Skâjanese Life of Ria Locust

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Skâja (skoo-ya).
The planet of the poverished, depressed, and famine.
Where everyone has none to own something, to be employed, and to buy.
Dimensional items are expensive.^
Basic services costs more.
Education is scarce.
Government is poor.

Here we see Ria Locust, an 18 year old girl, covered in dirt, barefooted, but beautiful, walking around the streets of Seum, the capital of the planet, along with her best friend Lion Head, a fierce yet anxious creature.

She was on her way to the local market, buying something to cook for dinner.

Getting something to eat for the family of 3, her Mother, Queen Epsilon, her Father, King Beta, and herself is not as easy as what you think on this planet.

Prices are inexorbitant, costing from $1,200–$1,500 dollars to feed a family of 3 for a third of the month (9–10 days)

Ria bought 3 cans of sour peas for $10, 2 jugs of hyena milk for $18, half pound of hyena meat for $16, 2 kilos of spoiled rice for $17, totaling to $116. In her planet, $116 would total to ¢11,600,000.^

She paid for her purchases, headed back home with Lion Head, who sensed that she will be attacked by a muggler.

His prediction came true, as the muggler attacked her.


Lion Head roared the muggler, and it fled.

The two went home safely afterwards, proceeding to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"Hey Sweetie, have you bought us dinner?"
"Yes mom."
"Good. Prepare dinner for us so that we can eat now."

^Prices of Dimensional Items per planet are as follows:

Scissors — Mewni — ¢30,000,000
Knives — Dark Planet — ¢55,000,000
Cutter — Skâja — ¢44,000,000

$1 = ¢100,000

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