Ria lands on Mewni

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Using the Dimensional Scissors the court and her parents gave her, she snipped a line, and it opened a portal to Mewni.

The scissors are royal blue plated, has a heart shaped pendant with the picture of her parents, surrounded with soft silicone handles tinged with blue.

At last. She went to Mewni (not the city proper) for the first time. She saw the encounter of Toffee, and her sister, Star.

"My! My sister has all grown up. She is beautiful, cheerful, and strong."
"Star is now fighting monsters."
"Who's that?" Star said.
Ria hid in the bush*, witnessing the battle of the two. Explosion appeared. Star came back to Earth. Her faceplate left in the middle of nowhere.

Ria picked up the half of it, and snipped a portal to Mewni. Mewni was now progressive and modernized. Things have changed. Not so famished. She used her first name Sangria to get in Mewni.

On her way to find shelter, she bumped to a person, apologized to whom she bumped. She even met her name.

Malacchi Arachnid. Her nickname is Chia.

"Hi Chia, I'm Sangria. From Skâja."
"Skâja? "
"Yes. Located below your planet."
"Chia here. From Mewni. Nice to meet you."
"What brings you here on Mewni?"
"I'm looking for my sister, Star Butterfly. My parents died by execution. Left my hometown afterwards. My sister was a princess here on Mewni. Prior to that, they already know that I have a long-lost sister named Star."
"I heard of Star. She was sent to Earth to prevent further mishaps she did before."
"I need to find shelter first to change clothes. Skâja is a poor planet."
"You can live with me for as long as you like. I'm alone here."
"Thank you very much, Chia!"
"Anything to find your sister, of course!"

Ria lived with Chia for a couple of months. Ria couldn't be happy for such a long time. She has now decent clothing, can eat good food, and she coped up for her loss of parents.

*in the real SVTFOE STC ep, they do not have a bush.

NOTE : all of the characters, locations, and items situated on this fanfic are not part of the real SVTFOE storyboard. I do not work for Disney or SVTFOE

Ria Locust : The Half of the Faceplate and the Search for Star ButterflyWhere stories live. Discover now