Ria comes to Earth

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When Ria found a way to disguise herself, she went to a toilet stall nearby. Ria changed her name to Marissa. She wores a cherry pink dress, medium width eyeglasses, wore low heels and styles her hair in ponytail. She went to the Principal's Office to apply as a History Teacher. Marissa pretended to be a 28 yr old teacher, applied for that position, and hired immediately. Her advisory class is 2nd yr - Tlahuac, where Star belongs to.

"Good morning class, Ms.Skullnick resigned as a teacher this morning because she is married now and wants to focus on her family life."
"My name is Ms. Marissa Dreanne Evangelio, but you call me Ms. Marissa. I am your advisory class, and your teacher in History. Nice to meet you all."
"Nice to meet you, Ms. Marissa!" all students spoked cheerfully, especially Star.
"Now, please introduce yourself. Starting with this blonde girl."
"Hi, I'm Star Butterfly! I'm a princess from Mewni! Hello, Ms. Marissa!"

Marissa knew that her sister was alive. She was cheerful, alive, and friendly. But yet clumsy and hyperactive.

"OK, Ms. Butterfly, thank you for introducing us to the class. Please be sitted."
"Next is a boy who wears a red jacket. Please come in front."
The teacher pointed out Marco Diaz.

"Hey everyone, I'm Marco Diaz. The Safe Kid you know. Loves Karate. Aspiring Psychologist."
"Wow, that was nice of you Mr. Diaz, thank you very much. Please be sitted."

All of the students introduced themselves in front of the class.

"OK Class, we would not have our first lesson for today. Class dismissed."

"Goodbye, Ms. Marissa!"
"Bye Students!"

Ms. Marissa headed back to the faculty. All of her colleagues are friendly to her, offering her to join them. Ria felt so happy.

"I'm Ms. Marissa."

She even met her colleagues, Mr. Ponzo, a Science teacher, Ms. Lily, Character Building teacher, and Ms. Techie, a Mathematics teacher. She made friends with them and had formed a bestfriend relationship with Ms. Techie.

"Ms. Marissa, where do you live?"
"I dont have a permanent house to live, I'm from another world. Skâja."
"I never heard Skâja. Though we know Mewni, from Star. What is Skâja, BTW?"
"Skâja is a planet which poverty and famine are high. I used to live here, but my parents died by execution, and told that my sister was alive. I started leaving my hometown, went to Mewni, and here on earth. I was the daughter of the Mewni monarch."
"In reality, I'm not 28 at all. I'm just 18. I worked here at this school to find my sister. I need income to survive myself. Please don't tell the principal that I'm only 18. I need to survive here."
"Ms. Marissa, you're secret is safe with us."
"You can live with me, Ms. Marissa if you want.", told Ms. Techie.
"Thank you for your kindness. Kindness does not exist on Skâja. I owe you everything."
"No need to repay, Ms. Marissa. We are glad to help you."

So, her friends (colleagues), left the school, and Marissa went to Techie's. Techie's house was big, comfortable, and spacious.

"Are you living here alone?"
"No, my parents went abroad, together with my little brother."
"Aw. It's harsh to live alone. My parents died by execution for a sin they did not commit."
"I'm sorry for your loss."
Marissa and Techie cried, comforting each others.
The two had took lunch at Techie's, went shopping to buy new clothes for Marissa.
"Wow, umm... I...."
"Marissa, we're best friends. You are my first friend from another world. Strange, but I liked you. You don't need to repay me. I need you to survive here to find your sister."
"Thank you Techie."
"It's nothing."

The two headed back home. Techie found Ria a place to sleep. She laid down on a bed. Comfortable and soft. Ria thinks on how she would tell Star about her wand and her existence.

Ria Locust : The Half of the Faceplate and the Search for Star ButterflyWhere stories live. Discover now