Devastation of Ria

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Ria felt her morning empty, lonely, and cold. Her parents, who are there to cheer her up, are not here. Who are here to cook her a breakfast. To make her mornings bright. None. All she has was Lion Head.

But, the guard came to her house, handing out a letter. From her parents.

"Hello Ria!

If you have read this, we are now executed by the Discipline Ministry. Thank you for being a blessing to us, our missing piece that completes our family, an obedient daughter, and our loving angel. May God guide you in your way, hoping you a better life, a comfortable living, and peaceful atmosphere. We still love you in our hearts. We hope that you will be united with your sister and your parents. Wishing you for your success,

Queen Epsilon and King Beta.

P.S: The court assigned to you the Dimensional Scissors going to Mewni and back to Skâja. It will be helpful for your search of your parents and your sister."

After Ria had read the letter of farewell (like farewell for life), she kneeled, cried in pain, and shouted asking why her parents should execute for someone who did not commit a sin. Lion Head comforted her, cried with her, made her smile, and hugged.

When she felt fine, Ria go back to sleep. In her parent's bedroom. With their family portrait. Lots of pictures, including her birth, her childhood, was in an old and dusty picture photo. Where memories overflow. She lost her only family. Weeped all day, agonizing herself, contemplating suicide, and felt helpless.

Following the advice of her parents, and the desire to find her sister, Ria packed all her things, entrusted Lion Head to their house, bid farewell, and walked along the streets of Seum.

Oh, I felt bad for Ria. She lost her family. The one who raised her up. The one who gladly thanking to.

Ria Locust : The Half of the Faceplate and the Search for Star ButterflyWhere stories live. Discover now