Bonus 3: Progressive Skâja

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In the first part of the series, Skâja is known for poverty and famine.

Now, along with Ria's decree, Skâja became progressive. Skâjanese citizens are happy, peaceful and had a chance to live.

Lion Head became the monarch of the Skâja, married Cat Head, and Cat Head hailed as the Queen. They had children namely; Robust, Strength, and Happiness. Robust became the minister of discipline, Strength became the minister of health, and Happiness became the head aide of the Angel Light Shelter.

Combining love, humbleness, and forgiveness yields you a better life. Contentment is better than expecting a luxurious life.

That would be the end of the story, but Ria's journey still continues. Have a great day to all!

Ria Locust : The Half of the Faceplate and the Search for Star ButterflyWhere stories live. Discover now