Bonus 1: Chronological Order of Events

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Well, you asked for it, so here we go!

08/15/2541 - Birth of Sangria
08/16/2541 - Unfortunate Accident, Queen Epsilon Picked and Raised Sangria
11/08/2545 - Birth of Star
01/10/2546 - Exiled Epsilon to Skâja
01/18/2546 - Epsilon became Queen
07/08/2559 - Star turned 14
08/15/2559 - Ria turned 18
09/10/2559 - Ria's parents executed
09/11/2559 - Ria left Skâja, Witnessed the battle of Star and Toffee, Left the half of the Faceplate.
09/12/2559 - Ria met Chia
09/22/2559 - Ria bid farewell to Chia
09/23/2559 - Ria went to Earth, applied for a position
09/30/2559 - Ria told everything to Star
10/05/2559 - Ria showed up to her parents, celebrated a family reunion
10/10/2559 - Ria coronated as a Lady.

Ria Locust : The Half of the Faceplate and the Search for Star ButterflyWhere stories live. Discover now