Falldown of the Locust Monarch

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After the revelation of her identity, she felt glad and yet sad. Maybe it's because she knew it by the time she was grown up.

But something terrible happened to her parents. She was called by Lion Head.

"Ria, Ria, something happened to your parents!! Better be quick!"
"What is it? OK, let's go then."

As they ran, pushing through the crowd, she saw the newspaper of a stranger

"The Current Monarch of the Skâja, has been imprisoned for found the case of robbery."
"WHAT!? MOM! DAD!" she rushed to the prison.
"Mom! Dad! What's happening? Why!?" said with burst of tears.
"Sweetie, We are just framed by a crazed stranger. Nothing bad would happen."
"Don't worry Mom, Dad, I'll help you out! Me and Lion Head will find ways to help you"
"That's nice of you, but don't stress it out."

"OK nitwit, emotions' over. Scram!" said by the angry guard.

The two head back to their house. Dark, quiet, lonely. Ria cried and cried all night. Lion Head comforted her, but to no avail. Ria felt angry to those who imprisoned her parents. To her only people in her heart. To her development. To her dreams.

Morning came. Another bad day for her. Poor Ria.

Ria Locust : The Half of the Faceplate and the Search for Star ButterflyWhere stories live. Discover now