Bonus 4: Ria's Life

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When Ria was coronated as the Lady of Mewni, she did not quit her job as a teacher. She contacted Lion Head, Chia, and everyone who she met on her journey. She felt glad that her friends showed up, even just in the mirror.

With that, Ria still lives to Techie's. Star on the other had lives with Marco. Ria visits her sister every Fridays to Sundays.

Ria is not only appointed as a Lady of Mewni, but also a advocate, a voice for the orphaned children.

Ria visit her parents' grave, along with the Mewni monarch.

"Star, these are my parents while I was a child, Queen Epsilon and King Beta."
"Hello Ria's parents!"
"Hello child!" said by Ria's parents, who are now angels.
"Epsilon, thank you for raising my daughter. Thank you for taking care of her." said by Queen Butterfly.

And, Ria's life came as nice as it should.

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