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"Bloody hell, did you bring all of manhattan with you?" Cara laughed as she pushed my last suitcase into her car. "i mean you very well could have got new stuff out here." she went on.

"with LA prices? fuck that. i went thrifting. i bet i spent less on all my clothes then those shades." i poked her sunglasses for effect and she clicked her tongue. "oh please, i didn't pay for these. came in a goodie bag at some show."

we both climbed into her car and made our way out of the sprawling LAX complex. it was my second time in California but it felt so... alien. i was used to boulevards lined by gray skyscrapers and study doormen not huge six lane avenues framed with bendy palm trees. Cara on the other hand was so sure i'd fall in love with LA just as much, if not more than, my lovely New York. i wasn't so sure.

"so roomy, i thought we could stay in tonight; maybe get some takeout. we'll leave the clubbing for later eh?" she winked at me playfully.

"perfect. besides i have work tomorrow."

"so soon?" she pouted slightly

"yeah, they want me bright and early. funny since i'll be working with people who get up at noon." i rolled my window down and took in the california sun.

"my kind of people." Cara laughed. "do you know exactly who?" she turned down a few streets before pulling up to her, well now our, apartment.

"not really. i know its a group of them though. rappers i think."

cara turned off the car and looked at me. "well look at you miss Beyonce, so posh."

"oh hardly, i just don't really know yet and i don't want to get my hopes up." i blushed slightly.

"you just want them to be cute, admit it." cara teased and started to help me pile my luggage on the sidewalk. i laughed with her but didn't object. she was half right, i wouldn't mind working with some handsome up and comer. in a completely professional manner of course.

"just be sure to dish about all the hotties alright?" she slapped me on the back and i rolled my eyes.

"yea okay Cara... its my main priority."

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