chapter two

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Hodgy and Tyler jump right into a song with a fast beat and the rest of the guys moved around the studio either helping Syd at controls or just watching the work unfold. i resigned to sitting on the couch and folded my hands on my lap. i felt overdressed in my secretary top and skit but it had made a good impression on Clancy. something still told me my "working girl" wardrobe would be out of place here.

"i hear you're from New York," Frank came over to sit near me. he had a cool vibe that made me relax immediately.

"yeah... i moved out here just this week."

"do you miss it?" he looked me right in the eye and waited for my answer.

"um... yeah, yes. but i needed a change in scenery." it was taking a lot to not tell him my whole life story with him sitting there listening so intently. he seemed to know there was more behind it but didn't push.

he nodded and rubbed his chin. "i can see that. New York and LA are polar opposites. good to escape sometimes. let me guess, you live with your boyfriend." he tilted his head and smiled that innocent smile that had earned him prince status.

"would that change something?" i tried my best at a flirty tone but i doubt it came across.

he chuckled. "possibly..." frank leaned in close enough to make me hold my breath and seemed to study my face. "but we'll see."

he seamlessly got up then and walked into the booth. i hadn't noticed the last song had wrapped and the guys were moving around. i caught Syd watching me. she had a blank look on her face but i could tell she was weighing something in her head. she turned and started to talk to Frank through the glass. my face burned. so much for professional.


The guys were having an all night session apparently and Clancy came to keep them on track. they were working on Tylers album and were a time crunch. it seemed everyone was as focused and stressed as him and i started to see why an assistant was needed. Clancy sent me to get everyone food and Frank offered to drive since i didn't know where anything was out here. i tried to not seem too obvious as we walked out the room.

"so im thinking Fatburger. you?" he said, pulling on his jacket and grabbing keys.

"oh whatever they would like."

he gave me a look. "oh, they'll like some fat burger." he laughed.

god his laugh was going to be the end of me. how was it fair for someone to be this attractive? the whole drive to Fatburger i tried to not stare at him but he kept glancing at me and chuckling. i could tell it was at my stiff attitude. he probably thought i was stuck up or something. i didn't blame him.

"do you have the list?" he asked, snapping me out of my thoughts

"uh, yeah. here." i handed him the list of what they all wanted and clancys card.

"relaxe girl," he touched my arm lightly "its just me."

maybe he didn't know who he was.already i could feel people watching us. he just walked up to the counter and order the food like it was nothing.

a girl behind me made a noise that i knew meant she was checking him out. "lawd, that has to be him! i can't believe he's with her though."

i blinked and clenched my hands together. i knew just how to handle this one.

"Frank , can i get a lemonade instead?" i leaned up on the counter pouting and brushed his shoulder with mine, trying to seem as familiar as possible.

"sure. can i get a lemonade for the lady?" he added smoothly. not at all surprised by my closeness. i smiled at him and took my drink as he paid for the order. the girl behind me tutted and i took a sip as i batted my eyes at her. she was fuming and i was eating it up.

"we're all set." Frank said holding the bags of food. i took the sodas from him and strutted out, Frank close behind. i didn't bother seeing the girls face this time. i had made my point.

"what was all that?" he chuckled

"oh just something silly." i blushed and climbed into the car.

"you're funny," he shook his head and i tried to seem as effortless as him. i ended up just sipping my lemonade till we made it back to the house.


"aye girly! dish! i want to know everything! what happened?" cara came running out from the kitchen as i walked in with two bowls of salad.

"okay okay!" i giggled as she sat down in the love seat crossed legged, a fork full of food in her mouth. i filled her in on who i was working with and she was terribly impressed.

"oh my gawd! i fuckin love Frank Ocean! i almost met him at this fashion show in London but he was simply swarmed by paparazzi. shame really, he's so handsome."

cara had a way of downplaying her life as a model while still seeming down to earth. it was something i loved about her.

"i hear he's quite the gentleman too." she continued with a wink. i snorted a laugh and took a swig of diet coke (the only thing this girl drink besides water, coffee and booze)

"he's sweet, but you can tell he knows he's handsome, you know?"

"like thats a bad thing? confidence is hot, Nomi. don't forget that." cara jabbed her fork at me and gave me a stern look.

"yes carcar." we giggled and settled in for the night. i was starting to like LA but it was only the first week. i felt like i could handle it though... handsome men or not.

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