Chapter Twelve

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I woke in a tangle of white sheets the next morning. I looked around the room, thrown off by the bright morning light. I rolled over and saw that the balcony’s sliding door was open. Frank stood in just his black pants from the night before, sipping a glass of water.

I watched him for a while. He hardly moved as he watched the city before him. Lost in thought.

Trying to be as quite as I could I climbed out of the soft bed and found his button down on the floor. Slipping it on I tiptoed to him.

"Good morning." I whispered from the door.

Frank turned and smiled like he was happily surprised to see me. His eyes flitted down my body and he grinned at his shirt.

"Yes it is." He said coyly.

I laughed and stepped out onto the terrace, feeling the cool tile on my feet. I leaned on the railing and felt frank hold me from behind. his arms came round me and he turned me to face him, eyes down.

"hey, whats up?" i said to him softly. he took my left hand and held my lower arm. he ran his fingertips along the skin of my wrist. i flinched slightly at this and he locked eyes with me.

"old habits…" i laughed lightly. unconvincing. Frank let my arm go and watched me.

"Are you happy?" He asked bluntly. 

I knew he didn’t mean it casually. Any girl would be happy with shopping and dinner with a man like him. Any girl would kill to be where I was right now. I knew that. He meant was I safe? Was I collected? Was I happy not just with what he had given… me but with him?

i didn’t know how to tell him i had never felt so collected. i was safe. from my past… from myself. there were too many words i felt needed saying. so i tried to say as little as possible without sugar coating anything.

"Yes… Frank i’m happy." I said after a moment. He didn’t seem to buy it at first but he must have felt my calm after a moment.

He kissed my head and held me tighter. ”That’s all I want.”

we stood like a moment and listened to the wind and the morning traffic. i was safe with Frank. happy. 

so why did i feel like i was lying?


after breakfast, a car ride, and an endless number of kisses later i strolled into my and Cara’s suite in a happy daze.

she was perched on the bed watching cartoons when she turned to look at me. it took a moment but she registered the white dress and my tell-tale glow and started screaming.

"HOLY SHIT YOU PERFECT LITTLE TART YOU! TELL ME EVERYTHING NOW!” she tackled me and tossed me on the bed as we died in laughter. “and whats with the frock? when did you pick this up?” she added curiously despite sitting on my back. 

"well if you would let me explain.” i said muffled into the sheets.

she rolled off and i started to fill her in letting her squeal and laugh at all the right parts.

“Indian food?” she said in awe. “bloody hell he loves you.” 

i blushed and hid my face “i think i love him.” 

"think or know." Cara jabbed me with her finger.

i looked up and flashed a wicked smile and she squealed again as she wrestled me.

"this is magic! like i don’t think this happens to people in real life. Naomi… i think you live in a music video." she joked and fell over laughing, pleased with herself.

i rolled my eyes and jumped up to change. i hung up the dress and brushed the fabric for a moment replay the evening in my mind. once the earrings were safe and away and i had showered Cara came into the bathroom. she sat on the sink counter as i dried my hair.

"he’s going to the fashion show tonight." 


"yeah, he has front row but i could only get you second. maybe he can use his plus one." she said mischievously. 

"oh i don’t mind." 

"don’t act all shy now,"

"i just don’t know if its too soon." i said it in a small voice as i comb my curls.

"to what? be the date of someone you’re dating?"

i gave her a look. “dating makes it sound so… childish.”

"because we’re grownups miss hello kitty ice tray." she mocked.

"you said it was cute!" i pouted actually a bit hurt. but i took her point. "i just don’t want to add pressure, like ‘who’s the girl on Frank Oceans arm?’" 

Cara scoffed at me but didn’t push it. “well either way tonight should be interesting…” she trailed off and went back to the room.

i silently agreed.


the show was a a veritable who’s who of fashion. all the hot new stars were there in sleek “street” clothes doing there best at looking “too cool to care”. i was lost.

i milled around with the common folk like me till it was time to take our seats faced dirty looked from FIT students who would give an arm and a leg to have my seat instead of the doorway nosebleeds they were stuck with. 

as i walked down to my section i saw a group of photographers clustered around someone. i paused and waited form them to disperse so as to not ruin a picture on my way threw. then i realized the person was non other than Frank, a bashful look on his face as they asked him about his outfit. i had to admit he looked good.

his eyes found me then and he smiled like a little boy. i waved hoping no one would take notice. i excused himself from the cameras and walked up to me.

"hey," he said open-ended. i could tell what ever he wanted to do he wasn’t sure of. "where are you sitting?" 

"second row, with the bloggers." i laughed

he looked back and then seemed to make up his mind then. “would you like to sit with me?” he asked hesitantly.

i felt the eyes on us then and i knew if i didn’t sit soon there would be talk but i also knew sitting with him would create more talk and then things would be weird and there would be questions and rumors and all sorts of things online and i would be the weird short girl next the him and it would blow up and…

"sure." somehow the word left my mouth smoothly and he smiled with what seemed to be relief.

i followed him and sat in the space for his plus one. i looked around opening to not see any eyes on me but i saw a good few with confused looks on there faces.

"people will talk… let them." he whispered as the lights dimmed.

the show started off with a bang and the energy in the room shifted. he held my hand as we watched and i didn’t mind at all. the clothes were beautiful, Cara was beautiful, and frank didn’t care who saw him hold my hand.

maybe Cara had been right… maybe this wasn’t real maybe it was a music video, or better yet a storybook. either way i was ecstatic as it all happened around me.

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