Chapter Nine

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it was a wednesday afternoon and i was back at "The Trap" with Syd, Tyler, Hodgy and Travis. they were doing some finishing touches and playing around with sounds while Travis and i flipped through big binders of merch ideas.

"yo i want these fuckin socks. who made these fly ass socks?" he said pointing to some bright tube socks with the OF logo on the side. i wasn't as impressed but i could tell they would sell as novelty.

"there should be more tank tops and hoodies." i said offhand.

syd, who was leaning on the soundboard turned to look at me. "nah, we should sell underwear." she said sarcastically smiled.

"odd future tighty whiteys" i teased.

"hell no! we makin thongs!" Travis shouted like it was the best idea since sliced bread. "fo real! we could put donuts on them and hotdogs on some boxers." he was so hype over the idea it was adorable.

syd and i burst out laughing.

in the last few days we had gotten close again and become friends. there was a tension but we didn't play into it to spare ourselves. she had quickly become one of my closest friends.

right in the middle of our happy vibe Frank came into the studio and there was an instant awkwardness that fell on the room. something Travis didn't pick up on.

"aye Frankie!" he yelled. Tyler and Hodgy even stopped listening to the playback to say hello. i was hoping i could fade into the background when it somehow got worse. Pouty lips girl emerged from the door and gave a small wave to everyone.

i swear to god my heart threw up in my chest.

"hey, huh... this is my friend Asia. she's just gonna chill with us." Frank said in a low voice. he came over to me and gave me an awkward hug since i was sitting and Asia flashed me a big smile.

"oh wow, you were at the show in San Fran right?" she said in a happy voice like we were old friends. i already hated her. the gorgeous bitch.

"yeah, that was me." i said trying to match her peppy tone. i must have come out sarcastic cause travis snorted a laugh.

she seemed confused by the interaction but brushed it off and sat near me as frank went into the booth.

he and syd exchanged a few words and we all watched on closely. he took a moment and the told her to start the music. it was a slow tempo that echoed in my ears. he closed his eyes and began to sing.

"Wiseman closed his mouth

Madman closed his fist

Young man shows his age

Judge man named it sin

Bad man don't exist, no

No evil man exists

Good man don't exist, no

No righteous man exists

Sad man cannot cry in place where man can see

Never witnessed his father weep

This old man thought it weak

But strong man don't exist

No undying man exists

Weak man don't exist, no

Just flesh and blood exists

But your mother would be proud of you

I bet your mother would be proud of you..."

i gasped as he poured out his creation. something in him, some old hurt, was showing and i felt it in my bones. he was in is own world and we were stealing a look inside. i felt my eyes burn and tried to not tear up.

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