Chapter Ten

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"how opposed would you be to going to new york with me this weekend?" frank read my text message aloud off my phone.

"thats from cara?" i rushed over to him and looked at the screen.

"yup, and theres an emoji of a girl in a red dress." he added laughing.

we were back in the stockroom and he had been playing on my phone when the text came it.

the phone buzzed again and read the next one: "i wouldn't make you go clubbing but you could go to the runway shows. free shit."

i gave him a funny look.

"that one had a bunch of dumb emojis after it." he added in a serious tone.

"oh shut up." we laughed and i went back to folding shirts. "tell her i'll think about it."

i saw him pause but he didn't make the text.

"don't you want to visit home?" he asked, honestly confused.

i focussed my eyes on my folding as i answered. "im here now. it can wait."

he got up after a moment and walked to the table i was was working on. he leaned on his folded arms and sighed.

"this whole hidden and mysterious air must be hard to keep up." he said as if he didn't care if i heard, teasing.

"its actually fairly easy considering theres nothing to hide." two could play at that game.

"oh yes, because you're an open book." he was being sassy with this smile on his face and i wanted to roll my eyes but he was so cute i just fumbled.

"well, maybe no ones asking the right questions." i countered in a small voice.

"im not a mind reader." he whispered leaning over the table and forcing me to look at him. i let out the nervus giggle i was holding in.

"oh god, fine! what do you want to know Frank?"

he smiled a winning smile and stood up. "what are you running from? your friend wants to take you to New York for a weekend and you're afraid. what of?"

i looked at him and let out a puff of air as i racked my brain for a way to say the million things on my mind.

"a lot of bad memories." i began. "i was in a really bad place and i just don't want to trigger anything."

he seemed taken aback by my choice of words.


i was already thinking about how to break that one down.

"sometimes old habits die hard." it was cryptic but it was all i could muster. he understood that. i could see it in his eyes.


i had made up my mind and one reason had swayed me. Frank would be in New York that week end for an event so i told Cara i'd go with her. Frank and i made plans to have dinner and i was proud of myself for even going.

New York wasn't just home, i was my favorite place in the world. i was a city girl despite growing up in the suburbs and everyone back home knew it.

"im so happy you're coming babe!" Cara said hugging me tight. she was just as surprised as i was that i had decided to go. she knew as well as i did this would bring up not yet old wounds. but there i was...

...and there we were hours later driving through manhattan streets to our hotel. it was a bittersweet feeling but thankfully we didn't pass any hospitals.

the room was fabulous and the view was to die for and room service was so tempting that i ordered chocolate cake, even if Cara couldn't eat any, and ate it on the white bed with white sheets. it was lovely.

"kay so i have a fitting soon, soo..."

"i'll be fine carcar." i said licking my fingers. i may not even leave the hotel! to think i grew up here and never got to enjoy a swank hotel!"

she laughed and decided to leave me to it.

i laid around for a few hours when i suddenly remembered i had dinner with Frank and nothing to wear.

It was 5 and we had dinner plans for 8 meaning had hardly anytime to run around shopping amd then come back here to get ready. I wondered if I could get away with jeans but something told me it wasnt that sorta of thing.

I was just about to consider cancelling when my phone started to ring. I was so lost in thought I didnt notice the name.

Me: "hello?"

Caller: "hey, its Frank. I hope I havent called at a bad time.

I smiled and fell back on the bed, amazed at his timing.

Me: "not at all. I was getting ready to call you about tonight."

Frank: "are we still on?"

Me: "well I would like to be but I think I may he underdressed."

I admitted lamely. I vould hear the smile in his voice then.

Frank: "not to worry. You're staying at The Plaza, right?"

Me: "yes but..."

Frank: "how about I pick you up at 6?"

Me: "for dinner?"

Frank: "no I have a suprise for you first."

Me: "uh... alright. I guess thats fine."

Frank: "dont worry about anything. Its all taken care of."

We said our goodbyes till later and got off the phone. I knew he had something up his sleeve for tonight and I was a bit put off by it but also curious.

Frank was not the type to disappoint though so I took his suggrestion and stopped worrying.

I couldnt wait to see him never the less.

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