chapter five

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"San Francisco?" i stood in the back office of the OF store with Clancy. He was looking over the schedule for some shows next week and filling me in on how he needed me for one... or four.

"yeah i have it all set up so you can stay in the hotel but i'd need you for the four days." Clancy seemed to really hate spring this on me but i could tell he needed the extra hands. i was good for that at least, and its not as if i had plans.

"how are we getting there?"

"the guys want to take a bus."

i almost laughed in his face at that. it was a 7 hour drive. these people were insane. "that cant be cheaper."

"surprisingly it is, and tyler speeds so you should be there in five hours max." clancy smiled wickedly.

"you're letting him drive?" i said frantically.

"hell no! we have a driver! im not stupid."

i sighed. i really couldn't afford to say no to this one and he did say i could stay in the same hotel. it was only four days...

"okay. when do we leave?"


just as i thought this driving idea was going to be... challenging.

between Hodgy, Earl, Tyler, Left Brain, Domo, Travis, Mike G, Randell and Syd i didn't really know how i was gonna fit. granted it was a pretty big bus.

Clancy and his family had gone ahead on a flight to have some time to organize before the wolves descended and i was left to make sure they actually got there. Clancy may have put to much faith in me for this one.

"hey girl, you ready for this?" Syd cooed walking up to me. we hugged loosely and she kissed my cheek in greeting. i could help but recall that other day.

"im looking forward to it actually. should be interesting."

she sorta rubbed my back and smiled. i liked Syd, and secretly hoped she would have my back this trip. it was nice to have someone.

she helped me with my bag and we both got on the bus sitting towards the back. it was one of those tour buses or a greyhound so the seats in the back were higher up and four across. syd sat in the middle and i was by the window. she sat in a way like she was keeping me away from the rest of the bus. like she wanted me to herself. i tried to make a point by walking up and down the aisle doing a headcount. she just watched me innocently and waited.

when everyone was good to go tyler honked the horn a few times but let the driver do his thing. some of the guys fell asleep immediately and others spoke amongst themselves or listen to music. syd and i made small talk that would bore anyone half to death. finally i was done and decided this time could be spent bonding.

i started to ask her silly little things like "what's your favorite candy?" or "coke or pepsi." i got her to laugh a lot which was nice and she seemed to be comfortable with me. Syd was lovely and talking to her was easy. i was starting to take a liking to her.

"you're always in such a good mood." she said after a particularly funny moment.

"why shouldn't i be? its more fun being happy" as i said it i realised i actually believed it.

"true, true..." she leaned back and looked at me. reaching up to tuck a flyaway curl behind my ear. her hand sort of lingered on my cheek and the bus hit a bump on the road. i swayed and my hand found her lap to steady myself. when i realised i moved and blushed slightly. she chuckled.

"and you're always blushing." she said softer, her hand on the small of my back.

i hid i face in my hands as i laughed. "oh god! stop that you know what you're doing!"

she laughed again sweetly and i peeked up at her. she was sweet i had to say. a terrible flirt but sweet. i could deal with that.


i woke up a little while later curled up with my head on her shoulder. she had an arm around my waist that felt nice in a way i couldn't describe but i liked it.

i looked around and it seemed like we were close to the hotel. the others were stirring and getting their stuff together. i tapped Syds shoulder to wake her.

"hey, i think we're here." i said as she started to open her eyes.

she yawned and let out a single "cool."

we all piled off the bus feeling cramped and groggy and i called Clancy. before i knew it everything was set up and the guys had their rooms. Clancy pulled me aside then to give me my room key.

"so i hate to do this to you, really, but there was a hiccup and now only one room is left. could you by chance share with Sydney?"

he couldn't be serious. i knew if i said no someone would be offended and if i said yes i would end up getting involved and if i just went with it all cool and calm it would seem like i wanted this to happen but if i hesitated to long i would still offended her and... "oh my gosh Namoi shut up!"

"we'll make it work." i said to reassure myself more then him, but he ate it up and left us to it.

"we good?" Syd said mischievously.


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