Chapter Eleven

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Now i know my way around Manhattan and i know where all the things i can't afford are, so when we stopped in midtown and Frank helped me out of the town car i was already protesting.

"Frank i told you, im just not dressed for this."

"relax girl!" he laughed and nodded to the building in front of us.

"why are we at Bloomingdale's?" i asked him evenly. he smiled and took my hand. i tried to keep my mouth from hanging open as we entered the store and i saw a small group of employees waiting, seemingly for us.

a young man in a black button down and slacks offered us champagne on a sliver tray as an older woman stepped forward.

"welcome, we will be your personal shoppers for the evening miss." she smiled brightly and motioned for us to follow her to the elevator.

"Frank, is this..." i started.

"its your surprise. you can pick what you like." he said as if it was nothing, and maybe it was, but i was in awe.

"Frank its too much." i whispered as we then got off the elevator and i saw the gowns and designer shoes.

"let me do this for you." he was being so kind about it i had to just nod and avoid hurting him. i had to admit i was excited.

he squeezed my hand and kissed my forehead.

this man was proving to be a prince after all.


we had a dressing room to ourselves so Frank settled in on a leather chair as the staff helped me in and out of dresses and shoes. they fussed over me in a sweet way and would gasp at my reflection as i turned for them. they did my makeup and pinned up my hair and i was buzzing i was so happy. Frank smiled and watched me as i showed off in the mirror. the attention was going to my head... or maybe it was the champagne.

"oh that's lovely dear." the women smiled like a proud mother at me and i had to admit she was right.

it was an a-line knee length dress in ivory and gold. my shoulders were covered buy a pretty lace neckline and the skirt was full and flouncy. i was in love.

i had spent a particularly long time in the dressing room between my last time showing Frank so when i stepped out to find he had changed it was a nice surprise. he was in a black suit and tie fitted for him perfectly. i smiled wide at him as i came out.

he mouthed a silent "wow" and nodded.

"i like it." was all i could say before i started to giggle.

"im glad." he looked flustered then as he ducked his head slightly. looking at me threw his lashes like he did. "but one last thing."

he reached in his inner coat pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. he snapped it open and held it out to me in offering. i gasped at the sight.

a pair of diamond drop earrings sat nestled in the box.

"oh Frank..."

he started to take them out and give them to me to put on and i didn't protest a word more. i felt my eye's sting slightly as i stood in front of him.

"what is it? Naomi?" he said concerned.

i shook my head with a smile and tried to not cry. "im just happy, that's all. you're just so wonderful." i admitted in a soft voice.

he squeezed my hand again and i thought he would kiss my forehead but held my chin gently and tipped my head up.

he kissed me on the lips in a sweet soft way and then looked at me for a moment. i had to remind myself to keep breathing.

"lets go to dinner." he suggested after a beat and let the women place a light coat around my shoulders.

we left with a flourish and before i knew it where at a rooftop restaurant over looking the city. the night was air was cool and the stars were out. something every New Yorker dreams of. it was as if Frank had asked the sky to clear just for me. i felt like he had that sort of sway over things. or at least over me.

we ate a special dinner of Indian food that brought a smile to my face. i had talked about my favorite little Indian restaurant with Frank a few days ago. it was the little details that had me all mushy and romantic. he was quite the gentleman.

"why are you doing all this?" i asked him between courses.

he looked at me as if he knew the question was coming. "you're worth it." he said simply, like there wasn't another answer. "you're special."

we shared a look and i knew it wasn't a line. he really meant it. i could see in his eyes he wanted me to think so too.

"you're something you know that?" i smiled and shook my head gently.

as dinner came to an end he invited me to his hotel for dessert and like any girl in all those movies i watch i knew what "dessert" meant. but he had said it so innocently, not even touching me hands. there was nothing flirty about it just a nice offer. he must have known i would hesitate so he didn't push it. i decided to go with him in the end. i didn't want tonight to be over just yet.


"oh and cheesecake!" i called to Frank from his rooms balcony. he was on the phone with room service ordering all the sweets i could think of. he laughed and followed me out there when he was done.

"you got a sweet tooth, they think we're having a party." he laughed as he loosed his tie.

"well aren't we?" i asked playfully and turned to him. i had taken off my shoes so i was now back to my short self but i knew i must have been a sight in my get up.

he smiled and looked down at me. "i guess we are." he slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

"you're so beautiful, i don't think i've told you that." he whispered

i had to go on tiptoe but i put my arms around his neck and kissed him gently. he picked me up easily i was so small and carried me inside. he sat me down on the bed kissing me with more passion.

he didnt move to undress me but he held my sides firm as we laid back. Frank was a slow a steady type and i liked it.

there was a knock at the door then and he looked up swearing softly.

i laughed as he answered and a boy pushed the trolley of cakes in. his eyes bulged as he realized who Frank was and he fell over himself thanking him for the tip.

i rolled over and picked a fork in a smooth motion trying out the cheesecake. "oh, its heavenly!" i sighed.

Frank came and sat with me and i fed him a bite. "like it?" i teased as he licked his lips. he chuckled and leaned closer to me, rolling me over.

"Frank! what about dessert?" i giggled not really caring. he didn't answer but started to kiss my neck and i gasped.

suddenly cheesecake wasn't on my mind...

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