chapter four

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"you should wear your hair curly!" Cara was still in her typical sweats and a shirt with a picture of boobs on the front when she sat me down to get ready. i had just washed my hair and was ready to blow it out but she insisted on curls. with her drawer of makeup and hair product samples she was posed to attack... despite not knowing what she was doing.

"how can a model not know how to do makeup?" i joked.

"i usually just do foundation and let them do whatever, i mean i just wear what they tell me." she shrugged and handed me my concealer. "do whatever you normally do then we'll work on eyes."

she danced over to her closet and started digging. "so i forgot to mention tonight is sorta different," her voice was muffled she was so far in the clothes.

"how so?" i turned to her and squinted.

"oh its more of an industry thing. some music execs or something. small" she wasnt make eye contact and i smelled a fib.

"Cara, what are you dragging me to?" i said evenly.

she picked at a sparkly top and bit her lip. "its a listening party and i just found out Frank will be there." the words fell out so fast and jumbled it took me a moment to process.

"you're joking."

"i wish, love. he may even be singing."

i sat and blinked at her for a moment before getting up slowly and walking to her door. "im not going."

"WHAT? Oh no no no! you're going" she lunged for the door and stood in front of me actually using her height against me for once.

"i cant! he'll... see me." i had to admit that wasn't the best excuse.

"isnt that the point? i mean dont you fancy him?"

i groaned and sat on her bed with a thump. "thats why i cant go. im such a spazz. i can deal with him being him but he's also someone i might like and i cant even operate around people i dont like let alone ones i do,"

"Namoi. you're babbling again." cara cut me off biting back a giggle. "you don't even have to talk to him! just like say hi then come mingle with me, be aloof and mysterious." she wriggled her fingers in a "spooky" way.

"im too awkward. and i have nothing to wear." i said as if that was that.

she gave me a look. "bullshit."

and with that i was sure tonight would be... interesting.


small. my. ass.

this party was some Rolling Stone crap with a short carpet and paparazzi. i shot daggers at Cara every time i got the chance.

"well at least theres food." she whispered to me and did a goofy thumbs up.

"i better eat like a fucking queen." i muttered back as she sauntered off to take more pictures.

once inside the club there was a more subdued vibe but i could spot the big names in a heartbeat. starlets, upcoming singers, actors, and models moved around. the sort of group whose names you didn't know but there faces were already everywhere.

needless to say i was content with hiding out on the sidelines with the food. i just wasn't cool enough to rub elbows with them. it was like being the only freshmen at prom.

the party was for a new girl group from england. familiar no name faces once again. i trailed behind cara with a drink in hand waiting till i could go sit. a waiter passed me with mini burgers and my eyes popped out my head. i took four on a small plate before she could tell me about them. she raised her eyebrows.

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