chapter six

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Odd Future concerts were the best kind of concerts. i was small and girly so i thanked god i was posted back stage but even from there i felt the energy. the guys almost never left the stage and they all got so into the songs it was like raw chaos. i loved it.

the house was packed and the crowd was hyped. everything was running smoothly.

"randells out of shirts!" Travis came running from the merch booth screaming about shirts.

"are you serious?" i turned fast and grabbed a head set. "Clancy, im making a run to the bus to find more shirts for the merch table. im leaving Travis back here."

"okay, do what you have to and tell him to add 10 bucks to all the prices if there aren't enough." he barked back and the line went dead. i tossed the head set to Travis and sprinted toward the door.

without even looking around i ran past crowds of people and out side. the hotel was a few blocks over so when i got there i was out of breath but thankfully the merch boxes were on the bus and i had the emergency key. things were looking up but i knew i could only take so much at once. it was a dumb idea to come alone.

i packed some more junk into a box and hauled it outside all the while praying there wasn't a riot back at the stand.

it took a total of 15 minutes for the whole ordeal and i was back at the venue handing out shirts with randell. he had a way with the crowd and all was well.

"i saw you running. you got some legs girl!" he said over the noise.

i smiled breathlessly. "i try."

just then i saw a girl saunter up the back stairs without a backstage pass. two more followed her.

"i think Taco is throwing a party." randell laughed as he handed a guy a fiver.

great. now i had to fix that mess. apparently Travis had told some girls they could come backstage in all the commotion. of course none of them had passes and all of them were gorgeous. i gave him a dirty look and he just shrugged and stalked off with some blonde in cut offs.

i walked over to a small cluster of girls a bit younger than me but a head taller and tried to politely tell them to take a hike.

"sorry this area is just for performers and friends."

"and who are you." a girl with red lipstick and gold hoops snapped.

"im the groups personal assistant. now i will have to ask you all to leave.

"oh, she a groupie. listen im not moving in on your thing, i just want an autograph. kay?" her friend said in a condescending tone.

it took a lot to not smack her smug little face.

i felt someone come from behind me then and the girls squealed with delight.

"whats wrong here?" Syd asked standing with her shoulders squared.

the girls fell all over themselves trying to sound cute and not like the brats the were but Syd didn't buy it.

"if Naomi asked y'all to leave, y'all better leave. shes in charge right now and is not like you have passes."

they all pouted and shot daggers at me before stomping out.

"thanks. that could have taken a while." i sighed

"nah you had it handled, i just want to talk to you." she chuckled.

"shouldn't you be on stage?"

"shows over babe. everyones clearing out." she said nodding to the stage. i saw the pit was emptying and the lights were up.

"that was fast." i muttered.

"you did great. didn't cry once."

"excuse me?"

she made a face like she regretted her words. "oh the last assistant ended up crying cause we ran out of ice."

"you're kidding."

"well i mean she also got hit in the head with a sneaker but the ice set her off."

i nudged her and we both laughed.

we went to help clean up a bit but for the most part everything stayed for the next show.

when we were all done and the stand was clear Syd and i walked back to the hotel going over the highlights of the night.

the whole ride in the elevator she leaned up against the wall and trailed her eyes over me. she was waiting for something, i could tell.

"Sydney, i wish you wouldn't do that." i whispered playfully as we opened the door to our room.

"do what?" she was standing right behind me and i could feel her breath on my skin.

i gulped. "that." it came out small and my voice cracked. i moved from her and went to my bed, beginning to pull out my sleep clothes.

she stayed silent and moved slowed about the room. i decided to change in the bathroom witch was odd consider she was girl but my need for a professional air was beyond that. when i came out, that was all tossed aside and i stood staring at her in shock.

she had taken off her clothes and was standing there in just her shorts, with no top or bra facing her bed. she was turned just slightly so i could see the curve of her chest.

she had done it on purpose and i couldn't say i was mad with her.

i cleared my throat and she finally pulled on a muscle tee.

"you going to bed?" she asked casually. i could see in her face she was up to something.

"i guess..." i didn't move. we just stood and looked at each other. "we could stay up together if you'd like."

i took one step closer to her. then another.then another. till we were standing so close but still not touching i thought the air around us would ignite. but i wasn't the type to make the first move.

i think she saw that in me because she pulled me to her and held my hips close to hers. i closed my eyes as she let her lips trace over my skin. not kissing just gliding over my skin. teasing.

she held out before finding my lips and moved her hands around my body, but when she did it was like a release. slow and tender and slightly panicked like it could end at any moment. btu it didn't... it went on and turned to something more. she smiled that wicked smile and laid me down gently. never once breaking contact. she was glorious, and i took it all in till she had tired me out.

i fell asleep in her bed. mine were never even pulled back.

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