chapter three

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The next few days were spent running errands for Clancy and the Guys and gossiping with Cara about our jobs. of course her gossip was more of the blind item type considering she saw some of the biggest names in fashion as casually as i saw my big toe.

i had finally settled into LA life and was sleeping soundly but cara said this was not her idea of the LA lifestyle. she felt bad for not taking me out on the town yet so we had a girls night planned. i was only looking forward to it because Cara knew how to have a good time, but i wasn't much of a club person to be honest.

"got any plans this weekend?" Frank asked me, his eyes trailing over a magazine. i stopped and looked at him. we were in the stockroom at the OF store where i was sorting T-shirts for an event. Frank was being no help at all and i wasn't sure why he was even here in the first place. i liked to tell myself it was to see me.

"im going out with a friend." i said curtly

"ahh, a friend. you don't sound so excited." he flipped a page loudly.

"i am... i just don't care for clubs and stuff. rather go to dinner." i shrugged and tightened the flannel i had tied around my waist. his eyes lingered on my figure for a moment and my face grew warm.

"so its a date..." he trailed off as he looked back at the magazine.

"i never said that." i smiled. he was always hinting to see if i was seeing someone. i never gave him a real answer. "its a girls night." i added, throwing him a bone.

"The girls? Oh I see, no boys allowed I guess." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help my smile. He was such a flirt yet managed to get away with it everytime.

"Is she a party girl?" Frank said in a fake posh accent the made me think of Cara's.

"Shes a model." Giggling I steped over to him and peeked at his magazine. Holding his page I fliped to the first few ads and pointed to the blonde girl in DKNY jeans.

"Thats my roommate... Cara." I said secreatly proud of my cleverness. I saw a hint of shock cross his face.

"your roommate? Well damn, gonna show you the ropes?" he was back to his cocky confidence but something in his eyes said he was unsure. it matched me perfectly. I wasnt really into guys who were into Cara. I couldn't compete with all of that. We were too different.

"you could say that..." i mumbled and climbed on a footstool with a box.

frank got up and reached for me "careful." he said with a fair amount of concern. he held my hips as i shoved the box on the top shelf. i turned on my toes so he was right in front of me, eye level to my waist.

"i was hoping for a more intimate LA welcome though." it came out soft and breathy and i realised i had been holding my breath. his hands slipped down my legs and came to rest at his sides. my skin burned where he had touched me.

"intimate? i could work that out." he nodded slowly and pushed his hands in is pockets.

"what do you mean?" i started to say but was cut off by Clancy calling for me upfront. i gave frank one last look before jumping down and walking out the stockroom.

"right here." i piped up hoping my face didn't look too flushed.

"great okay, i have a new job for you," Clancy launched right in. "you're gonna make sure these knuckleheads behave on this interview."

i turned my head to see Tyler holding a kid, who i was pretty sure went by Earl, in a headlock as Hodgy and Syd played on their phones.

"i'll send you all the details... it'll be fine" my face must have reflected my unease making him add that bit. Syd overhead him and looked up at me.

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