First death

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Four years past by since the incident and Zoe was now ten. There has been no more new powers and Zoe is getting more curious as to what's behind the large purple door in the basement.

"Mum when can I go behind the purple door?" She asked while looking at Toriel.

"Someday child" Toriel said a bit shocked but covered it with a smile.

Little did Zoe know that she will actually be going beyond the door sooner then she thought.

Zoe's POV

I was helping mum cook dinner when we heard a knock on the door.

"Stay here child I'll be back" mum said and walked to the front door.

I went back to chopping up vegetables when I all if a sudden heard a scream. My eyes widened in fear. It all of a sudden went quiet and I slowly made my way to the front door.

"Mum?" I called but no answer.

I then went to the front door and saw a pile of dust at the door step. My eyes widened and I felt tears prick at my eyes.

"M-mum?" I asked scared as my voice trembled and I heard a laugh behind me.

Not a normal laugh but an insane laugh.

"Your "mum" is dead and so will you" someone said and I all of a sudden went to a battle.

I turned around and saw a kid around 8 years old with an insane smile on their face with blood and dust covering their clothes.

I front of them was a red heart and I front of me was a grey heart but it sparkled like it had little stars on it. The kid looked at my heart in awe and then laughed insanely.

"Nice should you got there too bad it will be mine soon" they said and then ran at me with a stick and swung it at me. I teleported away from them and fled the fight running to the basement where the purple door was.

"YOU CAN'T RUN FROM ME GIRLY" I heard the kid yell.

As I ran down the hall my vision was getting blurry from crying. Once at the purple door I opened it which was surprisingly easy and ran into a snowy place not looking back. I then got to a bridge and collapsed on the ground crying.

"T-Toriel I'm so sorry" I sobbed as I covered my freezing cold face with my ice-cold hands.

"Hey kid you alright?" I heard a deep voice say behind me and I froze.

"Hey kid you there?" I heard him ask as I heard him walk closer to me.

I quickly spun around to see a skeleton with a grin on his face and he had on a blue jumper and black shirts wearing pink faded slippers.

"Kid you alright why you crying?" He asked as he took a step towards me and I backed up.

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you" he said as he crouched down to my height.

"The names sans" he said while holding his hand out and I hesitated at first but lifted my shaky hand and grabbed his bony hand and out of nowhere a fart noise filled the air. It ended with a little squeak and I smiled and burst out laughing. He smiled back and laughed a little too.

"The old soppy cushion in the and trick works every time" he said and then helped me up.

"So, you alright now kid?" He asked and I nodded my head while wiping my tears.

"Good now what's your name?" He asked.

"Zoe" I mumbled and I didn't expect him to hear me but he did.

"Zoe hu wired name" he said.

"So, tell me what happened?" He asked and my eyes widened and started to tear up again.

"M-my m-mum was-" I could barely get out the last of my words before breaking in it tears again.

"It's ok that's all I need to know" he said.

I was shacking from fears and cold as I sobbed into my hands and I couldn't feel my body anymore.

"Come on kid how about we get you to my place I'm sure pap wouldn't mind" sans said while placing his hand on my back.

We then walked across the bridge and another skeleton came along.

"SANS IS THAT A HUMAN?" The tall skeleton yelled and I stepped back from surprise.

"Yeah pap but she is really scared now so when she calms down she will have a go at your puzzles" sans said and pap I guess nodded.


A breeze blew and I shivered from the cold.

"Come on we better get to my place before you turn into a human Popsicle" he said and walked to the left. I was confused because his brother went the other way.

Then all of a sudden, a huge gust of wind blew and we were all of a sudden at a house.

"So, we teleported" I said while looking at the house that was decorated with lights.

"Come on" sans said as he walked towards the door and I followed.

Once I opened the door I was met with a nice warm hug from the warmth of a fire.

"Sit down and I'll be right back" sans said and I walked over to the fire place and sat down in front of it.

"Here you go kid" sans said while placing a blanket over my shoulders.

"Thanks" I said while snuggling more into it.

"No problem kid" he said and sat on the couch.

(Ok sorry before we continue I need to know does papyrus and sans have a fire place? because I kinda just went yolo on that so anyways hope you enjoyed my chapter and let me know if I could improve on my story thanks for reading peace

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