The end

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Chara came running at us but we dodged with ease. Sans then attacked and got Chara making there health fall. I checked sans's status and saw he has 1hp and 1attack. Chara has 999 attack and 19 hp. i may not know a lot but I do know we are royally screwed. All of a sudden sans attacks and Chara's health goes all the way down making them die. "I-is it over?" I asked surprised and sans sighed "I wish it was kid" he said and all of a sudden Chara walks in front of us with an insane smile. "W-what?! How do we kill this thing?" I asked shocked. "I don't know" sans said looking at the thing. It all of a sudden came running at us with its knife and and red eyes with nothing but blood lust in them or in sans case dust...I think. Sans dodges with ease and I teleport behind Chara and punch them in the back of the head and then kick them on the side of there stomach. And of course I do barley any damage and Chara recovers quickly and swings there knife at me I just miss only getting a scratch on the arm but with half of my health fall. It may be a small cut but it stings like a bitch and does heaps of damage for some odd reason. All of a sudden sans summons his blaster things and just get Chara but they dodged. "You alright kid?" Sans asked and I nodded my head. "Yeah just a little scratch" . Then Chara throws there knife at sans and he doges and runs a bone threw there stomach killing then in a matter of seconds. "Is there anyway to kill Chara and bring frisk back?" I asked sans and he shakes his head. "I've been trying footer a hundred timelines to get rid of that thing so far nothing has worked" any hope I had dropped but I still had a littler bit left. Then I got an idea that is more then likely will get me killed. "sans can you make an opening for me?" I asked and he nodded. Chara then walked in and sans wasted no time and straight away used his blaster things to make an opening for me and I ran to Chara. Chara dodged and an evil smile plastered on there mouth sent shivers down my back and then they swung there knife at me and the next thing I new sans was I front of me with what looked like blood dripping from his mouth and my eyes widened and I realised what happened when sans collapsed on the ground. "SANS!!!" I screamed as I knelt down to him and held him in my lap. "No no please sans your all I have left please don't go" I said with tears in my eyes and he smiled. "Maybe next time" he said and tears rolled down my face. He then stood up and started walking out while leaning in me. "Let's go to grillbys" he said and I just looked at him while walking along. "Sans?" I said quietly. "Hey papyrus do you want anything?" He asked and then collapsed to the ground and turned into dust with the only thing that was left behind was a bottle of ketchup, papyuse's scarf and his blue hoodie. I collapsed on the ground landing on my knees. "No" I said and felt the tears fall down my cheek. "See you in the next time line" Chara said from behind me and I then felt a shot of pain go threw my back. I looked down and there I saw the other end of the blade. I coughed up blood and the pain was unbearable but for some reason I didn't scream. I then fully collapsed on the ground. I had blurry vision from the tears in my eyes and the last thing I saw was flowey with w worried look on his face. Everything then went black.

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