Thanks kid

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(Ok before we start up the top is my attempt to draw Chara. Personally this is my best drawing I have done and it's still horrible compared to my friends drawing so what do you think? If you like it let me know and I will be showing a picture of Zoe's soul sometime so you have a picture of what it looks like so enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading ✌🏻️💙 peace)

I walk out of Snowdin and see a sign that said 'welcome to Waterfalls'. I then walked on with no destination or goal and with no experience of the out side world from the ruins I was basically a baby walking around with out there mother. But I remember my mother telling me that it was a dangerous world and an evil man would try and steal my sole so I have to try and avoid him at all costs and there is also that kid that killed my mum...oh no what if they go to Snowdin and kill everyone there. My eyes widened when realisation hit me in the face. with out a second thought I teleported in front of snas and papyrus's house and banged on the door.

"SANS PAPYRUS ANYONE HOME?" I yelled but there was no answer.

I then quickly ran into town but saw no one was there. It was deserted with no sound but the blowing wind. My hart raced faster and I ran towards there station where they work but again no one was there. I then teleported to where the river was and ran to a place I had never been before. my throat was sore due to the cold weather and it started to get foggy. I then stopped in my tracks as I saw papyrus and that evil kid. papyrus was saying something to them as they walked closer and with every step papyrus was getting more worried. I couldn't make out what he was saying due to the wind blowing in my ears and then papyrus opened his arms for a hug and the kid got a knife out of there back pocket. my eyes widened knowing what is going to happen.

"PAPYRUS MOVE!!!!" I yelled and teleported near papyrus but it was too late.

in one swift move papyrus's head rolled off his neck and my eyes widened in fear and horror.

"p-papyrus?" I whispered and papyrus looked at the kid and with the last of his strength he smiled and said.

"I-I know you can do better, I-I believe I-in you" the kid then stepped in papyrus's head turning it into dust along with his body and all that was left was his red scarf.

I felt tears streaming down my cheeks and I collapsed to the floor. a flashback of hearing toriel's screams filled my head and I shook in fear as I slowly lifted my head to see the devilish smile on the kids face and I clenched my teeth together and balled my hands into a fist my knuckles turning white due to anger and I felt my eyes heat up and the tears that came out of eyes started to burn. I then heard the kid chuckle in an insane way and there head tilted to the side revealing a glowing red eye while the other was hidden in the shadows of there hair.

"pathetic" they said and chuckled

"you cant even save one monster from dying" they said and guilt struck me hard.

the kid lifted there knife and there smile grew wider.

"this was fun too bad you have to die" they said and I quickly grabbed papyrus's scarf and teleported to the front of sans's house.

I was scared, sad, angry, tired and felt guilty like I was the one that killed all those monsters. I curled up into a ball while hugging papyrus's scarf and cried into it and soon I fell asleep which wasn't the best idea ever.

I then woke up on a couch in front of a fire place in sans' house. All of a sudden all the memories comes back and I start to cry into my hands as I curl up in to a ball.

"You alright kid?" I heard sans say and I felt the couch tip to the right and a bony hand on my back.

"I-I'm sorry sans I should have stopped them I-I..." I cried more as I remember watching his head turn into dust.

"Shhhh it's ok you tried to save him" sans said and I then felt something wet fall in my shoulder.

I looked up and saw sans crying blue tears. How could I be so stupid papyrus was sans brother.

"I'm sorry sans" I said as I hugged him and he was surprised but hugged back.

It was quiet for a moment and then sans grip tightened around me.

"Thanks kid"

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