Let the show begin

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I walked out of the house with my head low and I didn't look up until I heard that voice. "So you now who I am yet?" I looked up to see flowey with a straight face. "Yes your prince Asriel, Chara's brother and I guess you could say mine as well" I said and then looked up at flowey. "What are you doing here anyway?" Flowey asked and I gave a small smile. "To get a happy ending for everyone" I said and flowey just looked at me. "But you don't even know anyone" he said and I shook my head with a smile and felt my eyes start to water. "Your right I may not know a lot of them but I do know that sans has seen his brother died early and over again and he has felt the pain of dying Over and over again everyone has felt the pain of dyeing over and over again even though they don't remember you can tell they are slowly giving up and you have been through the experience of dying as well, haven't you flowey?" I said while looking at flowey and I could see little tears at the corner of his eyes but he disappeared before he broke down. I sighed knowing I'm alone again and continue my journey.

I made it back to the elevator and pressed on the last button to the final floor. Once it stopped there was nothing except for a long path way. I sighed and continued on the path not looking back for a second. I have been too fare seen too many monsters die to give up now and besides if I do give up who do I have to go back to? As I walked threw an arch way there was a giant room with gold all around and a red carpet from one end to the next. I took a deep breath in and continued walking. The sun was shining threw the Windows and I could hear the song of a bird. It was peaceful and bright. As I kept on walking I saw sans at the end of the hall way with papyuse's scarf on and his hood up.

"So you've made it this fare kid to tell you the truth I didn't think you would" he said and I stayed quiet. "Kid if I was you I would scram before Chara gets here unless you want to die as well" he said and his eye sockets were pitch black when he said died just shook my head "your not fighting this battle alone anymore sans" I said walking up to him. "Heh thanks kid I appreciate it" he said with his same usual grin. I smiled back and stood a foot away from him. "So you got a plan?" I asked and he shook his head. "Never have" he said while pulling his hood down. "Well I guess we,re winging it" I said with a shrug. "But you don't have wings" sans said and I chuckled a bit. "Well look at this isn't it the shitty comedian and the thing" I shift my head around to see Chara twirling a knife in there hand. I stepped back and stood next to sans and at the corner of my eyes behind one of the pillar things I saw flowey poking out behind one. Probably came to watch the show. "So by the look on your face I guess your not giving up ain't ya?" Sans said with his hands in his pockets. He then looked towards the window and we went into battle. "It's a beautiful day to outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming and on days like these kids like you, should be burning in hell" all of a sudden sans had one glowing blue eye and he sent constant attacks to Chara but they dodge every single one of them. "I always wondered why no one uses there most strongest attack first" sans said with a shrug and Chara comes running at us with there knife. So let the show begin.

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