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Even though I didn't know Papyrus that well it was like I had met him before but I wouldn't know now because he's.....he's gone. That brat of a kid killed him and I swear I will get my revenge. I will never forget what that kid-no THING did to Papyrus and my only thing close to a mother I have ever had Toriel. That fucking thing will pay even if I die trying. I get up from the couch and slip my shoes on. leaving the jacket sans gave behind and headed to waterfalls. Where I was going before. I teleported to the sighn and walked down the path. There was dust everywhere and I held in my tears. I then saw a glowing blue flower and walked up to it. That was a huge mistake because the thing that I heard was a painful scream and then the last breath that monster took. I looked to the ground with my hands over my face and saw the dust of the monster blow away. I couldn't hold in the tears anymore as I ran and I didn't look back. I ran and ran trying to shut out all the screams of pain. I collapsed to the ground and covered my ears screaming at the top of my lungs. it was all my fault, it was all my fault I kept reapeting those words in my head as I screamed hoping to shut everything out. then all of a sudden it went quiet. everything stoppd. I uncovered my ears and heard a distant melody.


I stood up to follow the sound and as I got closer I heard crying? as I got closer the crying got more clearer and it sounded like a childs cry. I walked over and saw a kid that looked like the maiac one but this one had a purple stripped sweater. They had there head in there hands and were crying infront of a statue that the music was coming from. I aproched the kid slowely and once I was close enough I bent down and touched the shoulder. They jerked up in surprise and they had tears running down there cheeks. "hey kid are you alright?" I asked and they just looked at me and then started sobbing again. I grabbed them and stradled the in my arms. "shhhhh its gonna be ok" I said while rocking them back and forth in a motherly way. They soon calmed down and looked up at me. I looked back at them and smiled. "all better?" I asked and they nodded there head. "so want to tell me what happpend?" I asked and they shook there head. I then looked at my gloved hand and took of my glove. "can you show me?" I asked while putting my hand up and then they looked at me and then my hand. They slowely lifted there little hand and putted it in mine. What I saw was unspeakable and I shouldn't have done what I did. The kid fell down a howl leading to the ruins and there in front of the poor child was THAT THING. They put there hand out for the kid and the kid placed there hand in there's then everything went black. all of a sudden there was flashes of this kid killing everyone. first toriel, then papyrus, then some fish monster undyne, a robot named mettaton, even a lizard monster named alphyse and there was even one with alphyse dying in the arms of undyne, there was a flower getting its pettels ripped off the it begged for mercy. There was a goat king like toriel who died and even sans who got slashed on the chest and his last words being "you want anything papyrus?" before he fell on the ground and turned into dust. Again and again they would die different ways and again and again there would be a reset button and a continue button and they would always pick reset. Until I popped in after they killed toriel I saw my eyes glow silver and then I disappeared. "this will be fun" I heard the devil thing say and then there was an image of papyrus dying and me there clutching onto his scarf crying silver tears. I never knew I could do that or was doing that. Then it came to a picture of my sleeping on the door step of sans's house while hugging papyrus's scarf. "ill have a little fun with you before I end your life" I heard that things voice say and then they traced there knife along my neck.

everything went black and I opened my eyes. To see the kids eyes with tears in them. I looked at the kids shocked knowing something was possessing the kid. there eyes flashed to red then back to normal and the last thing they whispered was 'help me' then they all of a sudden had red eyes and an evil psychotic smile on there face. I pushed them away and glared at it. "WHY?, WHY CANT YOU LEAVE THE KID ALONE?" I yelled at it and they tilted there head to the side. "because everyone needs a little fun there life" they said and giggled a bit. "but your not alive and your not human or a monster so what the hell are you?" I said while glaring at it. "why I should be asking you that" they said and I went from pissed off to shocked. "w-what do you mean?" I asked and the thing laughed. "you'll find out soon" they said and then ran off. I couldn't move I just watched them run away with one thing on my mind.

"what am I?" 

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