Plan success

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Chara gains there balance and runs at me with there knife I dodge with no worries and strike back by making bones come out of the ground just barely grazing Chara as Chara  jump over them. I then put a blaster thing ( "gaster blaster not blaster thing" " ok I'm sorry sans now let me get back to the story") anyway I then put a gaster blaster under Chara shooting straight up at them and lowering there health to zero. The pain in my eyes were increasing by the second so I rather need to shut it out or get this done as soon as possible. Chara then walked back in and even though they were smiling with confidence on there face in there eyes was worry. I then moved my hand upwards and captured Chara in a glow of a greyish blue. I walked up to them and Chara immediately panicked. "Before I asked a question I believe it was 'what are you?' And you responded by saying 'you should be asking yourself that?'" I said as Chara struggled more and I clenched my hand into a fist a bit. Tears brimmed Chara's eyes as I could see nothing but pain and panic on there face. "Now I have thought long and hard about your question and I finally found the answer I'm the one that will destroy everything you have done" I then all of a sudden heard sans voice instead of mine which scared me a little but I wasn't going to show it. As Chara's feared face turned back into a devilish look. "That comedian trash is apart of you and he had many weaknesses so I wonder do you have the same weaknesses as him?" All of a sudden a jolt of pain shot threw my brain and eyes and I screamed in pain and clutched my head while at the same time letting Chara go. "One of sans's past weakness was that if he used his powers for too long he had excruciating pain but since he fought so much he got used to it, but you haven't" Chara then ran at me and I regained my attention and rolled out the way but was a little too late leaving a scratch on my arm. My health then pelted down a lot and at this rate it would take me 5 strikes from Chara to die. "Another one of his weaknesses was that he had very low HP which made him easy to kill in one shot, but let's see how many shots it will take for me to kill you" Chara then ran at me again and I dodged with ease. Chara was figuring out how to beat me quickly and I had to engage my plan now but there's no opening. Chara strikes at me again with multiple shots I rather blocked them or dodged until Chara's last strike Which was impossible to dodge of block there for hitting me in the leg. 3 strikes left and still no opening. I throw some bones at Chara but they dodge it so I throw a gaster blaster behind Chara and get them easily and lower there health down a lot. I finally see an opening and run towards Chara but they see what I'm doing and attacks by swinging there knife at me and being too late to dodge I get stabbed in the arm. lowering my health again. 2 strikes left and all i have accomplished is fighting and blocking and dodging, I have no choice but to fight then run at Chara which could lead to my death if they're quick enough. So I go at Chara with everything I got which is bones, gaster blasters and throwing them at walls. As I predicted Chara is too busy blocking my attacks so I run at Chara and once my last attack finishes I'm there and I grab Chara's hand then everything stops and we are both engulfed in darkness. My plan worked now I just observe Chara and Frisk and hope nothing goes wrong. Because even the slightest thing that goes wrong could lead to all our deaths and the end of Undertale forever.

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