Chapter 8 *Jokes*

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(F L O W E Y / A S R I E L)

Frisk started shaking, was she really that scared of Sans. Sure she's seen his attacks once before and he's used them on her, so why would she be afraid of them now? Unless there was something else.

"Kiddo? Are you alright, you're shaking?" Sans asked. "Did I scare ya too much, I didn't mean too."

Frisk shook her head. Is she that scared that she can't even talk? But why? Why is Frisk scared? She's seen Sans' attack many times, wait. Was she scared for me? Is that why she started crying? Because she was scared for me?

"What's all the commotion? You nerds better not be having a party without me!" Undyne, I think, yelled opening Frisk's door.

Undyne looked towards Frisk and slowly came closer to her. Concern in her eyes, she was soon joined by Alphys, once again I don't remember, and some sort of robot? Oh and Papyrus, I knew him well enough.

"HUMAN, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Papyrus asked, almost breaking never mind I don't have eardrums.

"Papyrus, Sans, Mettaton, Undyne, Alphys I believe Frisk may need some time alone," Toriel started to stand up, slowly going towards the door. "In the meantime who would like to help me make some butterscotch and cinnamon pie?"


"Sure," Toriel smiled.

"I guess I'll join, learning how to make your pie would be nice," Undyne muttered. "Besides I need to work on my cooking skill even if I usually burn it!"

Toriel nodded and walked out the door, Papyrus, Undyne, Mettaton and Alphys following her, I guess Alphys probably went downstairs to watch Undyne cook or something. Sans, Frisk and I were all left in the room, I think. I don't know why but something feels wrong.

"Kid, are you alright?" Sans asked, placing a boney hand on Frisk's shoulder. "If not I have some jokes that might cheer you up."

"Go ahead!" Frisk smiled, which seemed weird in a situation like this.

"(Insert good joke)" Sans let out a chuckle.

Frisk though, she started laughing like there was no tomorrow. She fell on her back, trying to hold in her laughter. The joke wasn't that funny.

"Sans I'll be down in a bit," Frisk managed to say between laughs.

"K, I'm glad I didn't scare ya too much Kiddo," Sans turned to face me. "I'm not afraid to hurt the flower though."

"I've got a name!" I yelled.

"See ya downstairs Kiddo," Sans ruffled Frisk's hair. Completely ignoring me.

Once Sans left Frisk turned towards me. She looked calm, but fear still was all I could see.

"She's back."

Hehe, this was just Flowey. I didn't really know what to do for the joke, I'm not very good at thinking of them.

See ya

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