Chapter 17 *Grocery Shopping*

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"Frisk! Asriel!" Mum called us, we were rearranging my room so Asriel could sleep there until Dad fixed up the study. He helps us even if he doesn't live here and he acts like my dad, so I guess that's why I call him Dad. "We're going out!"

"Alright!" I called down, rushing out the door with Asriel behind me. He was still in his sweater and sweats from when I first met him and they looked a bit small, maybe that's why we were heading out. To buy him new clothes, hopefully they have a tail hole.

In about fifteen minutes we were in the store's parking lot, and there was a lot of cars. Asriel had to come out my door because the truck beside us was so close to the line and the door of our car would've hit it if he opened it.  We had parked close so we didn't have to walk far, which I was grateful for.

"Okay, let's go. We've got a list. I'll give you guys half and I'll keep half," Mum handed me a piece of paper. "How about we meet at the checkout once we're done."

I nodded. "Alright." I turned and grabbed Asriel's hand. "Come on Azzy!"


"Okay the last thing, chips," Asriel read off the list. I wonder why we got all the party like stuff, pop, chips. It's like Mum wants us to throw a party, maybe that's what we came here for. "Uh...where are the crisps?"

I thought for a moment. I don't actually know. "Huh, that's one thing in this store that I don't know where it is."

"How about we split up and search for it?"

"Alright!" I nodded and headed off one way while Azzy went the other way.

I went down most of the aisles that I don't know what's in them. One was just a bunch of instant noodles. I found the aisle and it had a whole whack of bags of choose from, I should probably ask Mum what kind she wants. Pulling out my phone I called her, she picked up after the third ring.

"Hello my child, what is it?" She asked.

"Hi Mum, I was wondering what type of chips do you want?"

"F-Frisk?" A voice somewhat familiar asked, I turned around and a woman, about thirty years old, was in front of me. Her brown hair tied up in a pony tail and her dark brown eyes wide. "Oh god, it really is you."

"Uh, I'll just get original. I'll call you back soon Mum," I hung up before she could answer. " I know you?"

"You don't remember me?" The woman blinked her eyes. "You seriously don't remember me?"

"If you're from my childhood I probably wouldn't. After I fell down into Mt. Ebott I lost most of my memories," I explained. I thought everyone knew this, I was the ambassador for the monsters.

"Hey Frisk have you found the chips?" Azzy asked, sneaking up on me.

"Asriel! Don't scare me like that!" I yelled, smacking his fur.

"Sorry, and uh...who's this?" Asriel asked, peeking his head over mine.

"I'm Frisk's mother, and I haven't seen her in almost seven years now scram you monster."

I'll Help     Undertale FanFiction     Asriel x FriskOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora