Chapter 16 *Nicknames*

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School was like I thought it would be, boring. Frisk had brought my lunch since I had forgotten it, I can be such an idiot sometimes. Heh, I used to call everyone that, I guess I called them that since I was the actual idiot.

Sighing I felt Frisk tug on my hand. "Come on slowpoke, Mum said she was making pie." Frisk smiled.

"Alright, alright I'm coming."

Our house was pretty far away but Dad would come pick us up, or so I'm told. We just had to meet him somewhere, and that's where Frisk is taking me. We were actually near the school parking lot, which is actually surprising that it was empty seeing as there was so many people here left. The only person, or more like monster, I saw was Sans. Please don't tell me that we're teleporting.

"Heya, I came to pick you guys up. Uh..Tori and Asgore are in a bit of a argument, sorta like me and you. Huh Flower?" Sans let out a chuckle.

"Very funny," I said. "I'm not a flower anymore so there's no need for that name."

"Heh, maybe there is," Sans grabbed Frisk by the arm. "Quick I know a shortcut."

A flash of blue light and they were gone. I waited a few minutes, but in the end I just decided to walk home. Might be faster. It actually was, seeing as Sans didn't come back. I have a feeling he doesn't really like me right now or something. 

I opened the door to a load of yelling, I guess Sans wasn't kidding when he said they were in an argument.

"Tori please, Asriel probably would like both parents living in the same house," Dad begged, and as I walked in more I saw that he was also on his knees. "Besides, wouldn't taking care of two children, being alone and having a job be a little hard, even for you?"

"Asgore I told you, no! Besides, both Sans and Papyrus have agreed to watch them if I am ever too busy to do so," Mum explained, turning her back to Dad.

"Hey Tori, I brought the kids home," Sans blurted out, making Mum smile.

"You brought Frisk home," I mumbled.

"Oh good!" Mum clapped. "The pie is on the table."

"Come on Azzy!" Frisk grabbed my hand, dragging me to where I believe the kitchen is. To be honest I haven't really explored the house much.

We entered a room with a table with seven chairs. One for Frisk, Mum, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne , Alphys and me. But what about Dad, unless the seat I counted for was for Dad. It was right across from the seat that had words writing in purple crayon that said 'Best Mom Ever'. I looked on the table and there was a pie, that looked really, really, good.

"Mum said we could have a piece, I'll go grab the plates! I'll be back Azzy!" Frisk yelled, leaving me alone with the table and the pie.

Huh, I hadn't noticed till now but Frisk started calling me Azzy at lunch. I think it's cute, she gave me a nickname. I never really had one before, I wonder if I can give Frisk one that isn't like the ones I called her when I was a flower. Hm, well Frisk can't really be made into a nickname, except for maybe Fri but I doubt Frisk would want to be called that. Maybe Short Fri, since she's shorter than me. I'll find out.

"I found the plates!" Frisk called from the other room, which I believe is the kitchen. Walking in she handed me a plate.

"Thanks Short Fri," I smiled as I ruffled her hair a bit with my spare hand.

"What was that for?" Frisk asked.

"Do you not like it?" I questioned, kind of scared.

"No, I think it's cute and it fits me well since, well, I'm shorter than you. I'm shorter than Sans!" Frisk almost yelled making her burst out laughing. Making me laugh as well.

"Are you kids alright in there?" Mum asked, peeking her head over the wall. As soon as she saw the state we were in she smiled and turned away. "For the last time Asgore you are not moving in!"

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