Chapter 12 *Worried*

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Sans had knocked Frisk out, I guess it was a good thing. I couldn't really type any numbers with my face. But why did he want to call Asgore? Why not Alphys? She would probably know more about this.

I saw Sans pick up Frisk's unconscious body and teleport somewhere, leaving me alone in the semi dark room. Sighing I turned to face the opened window Frisk had opened before Chara took over. I thought she had been asleep, I thought she couldn't hear me.

"Come on, I have a feeling you know something I don't," Sans lifted up my pot and something blue flashed and suddenly I felt dizzy.

In front of me now was an unconscious Frisk. Sans placed me down on a desk next to her, her hair covering her closed eyes. She almost looked like she was dead.

"Talk," Sans broke the eerie silence there was. "What happened to her?" He almost sounded angry. "I know Frisk would never hurt anyone, and I saw her try to hurt you. And I know all about Chara, but why would she take over Frisk?"

"What were you doing in her room anyways?" I asked, going off topic.

"Toriel called saying Frisk was crying and she knows I can make the kid smile so I came over," Sans explained, shoving his had deeper into his pockets. "Now explain to me why Chara took over Frisk."

I sighed, this was going to be a long story. "Once you left Frisk told me the real reason she was crying. Chara had returned and was talking to her, which scared her since she had thought Chara was gone, for good. Chara had actually talked to me as well, through Frisk. And that-that scared both of us. Chara had been relatively quiet, from what I know she could of been talking to Frisk but I didn't know but Frisk didn't tell me that, and when Frisk started crying again, for a reason I didn't know about but I'm pretty sure it might've been Chara, and Toriel came in. That's when she saw me smile, a way that showed I still had a SOUL, a way she could help me. Once Toriel left she told me she saw me smiling, meaning she would help me, which I didn't want so I lied. Saying I didn't and I gave her a fake smile. She went to lie down and when she turned back to me it was, it was Chara."

"That doesn't explain why Chara took over Frisk," Sans blurted out. "And why would she help you, you tried to kill her!"

I honestly felt bad, I had tried to kill her. More than once too. "Chara's been wanting to take over Frisk since she fell down into the Underground. She's just been too quiet to tell anyone, Frisk told me of what Chara did when she was in control. And I know exactly what she's capable of." I re-explained, easier to understand too.

"And why would that be?" Sans asked, getting closer to my pot. "Why do you know what Chara is capable of?"

I stayed silent. I couldn't exactly tell him that Chara had been my best friend, for one he would think I would try to kill everyone like she does, and two, he would probably ask me why and how she had been my best friend. And that would lead for me to explain that I am Asriel Dreemurr.

"Why is that?" Sans repeated, getting on my nerves. "Why do you know what Chara is capable of? Is it because you were partners with her? If you so," he paused. "You're gonna have a bad time."

"Shut up," I muttered. Turning my head away from him.

"Why is that?" Sans asked, even more annoying then the last. "Why is-"


"I knew it," Sans chuckled. "I'm not just some smiley trash bag."

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