Chapter 15 *Not Them Again*

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I sighed as Frisk took me by the hand and dragged me through the doors of the monster and human school she, now we, went to. Frisk was almost too excited to show me this. She was practically a Temmie right now, to excited to even speak properly. It was just mumble jumble all over the place, hard to understand as well.

"Come on, come on!" Frisk tugged on my arm even more. It made me laugh, it's only been one day since I got out of my damn flower state and Chara's been able to communicate with both of us and it looks like Frisk hasn't let her happy personality go. Not even for a second. "Come on Asriel! We don't want to be late!"

"Frisk," I begged. "Please stop tugging on my arm, it's almost as bad as when you tugged on Sans'."

"Sorry," Frisk let go of my arm. "I'm just so excited! It's your first day at school, and as Asriel as well!"

"I'm still surprised Mum let me come. I would have thought she would make me stay home and say sorry a hundred times for what she did," I laughed a bit. It felt good to actually feel my emotions again. And not just fake them like fear and anger.

"You can thank me for that," Frisk smiled, grabbing my hand. "Now come on! I've got so much to show you!"

Frisk started pulling me yet again, at least she wasn't stretching my sweater this time. Even if it needed a bit of stretching seeing as it was too small since, somehow, I grew while I was a flower. I was taller then Frisk, a lot taller compared to how short I was when I was a flower.

"Hey look! It looks like the monster saver has a new friend! And it's not a plant this time!"

"Oh no," Frisk mumbled. I knew exactly who they were, it was the guys from before. The people picking on Frisk.

I growled at them, which I didn't even know I could do, I stood in front of Frisk. Protectively, after all, she's kinda like my sister. Since Toriel is my mum and her adoptive mother, I guess.

"Leave her alone," I growled at them even more, I won't let them bully Frisk anymore.

"Oh look, Cow Boy's trying to protect her. How cute, he must have a crush on her or something," the one up front laughed. Making the others laugh along with him. "Now move out of my way."

"Heh," I laughed a bit. "You'd think I'd let you hurt her after what I saw last time. You've got to be kidding me. I'd rather die again."

"Just move out of the way Cow Boy,"

"I'm a goat, not a cow. And maybe you'd be more scared of me if I brought out my 'friendliness pellets' again," I knew I wouldn't be able to bring them out again but it might be enough to scare them off.

"Heh, that was a flower. Oh wait! You were that flower! Ha! No wonder your hanging out with Frisk, you've been with her so long that you don't know who isn't a loser," the one in the front extended his hand. "Come with us and you'll know what being cool is like."

"Wow, you guys are low enough to try to get me to join your little 'gang', huh. I thought you guys didn't like monsters. And my 'friendliness pellets' aren't the least of your worries. Now if you hurt Frisk again you'll see me like no one else has," I wanted to slap them really badly right now. "Now go!"

"You'll be sorry that you didn't join us Cow Boy!"

I turned to Frisk, who looked like she was about to cry. Carefully I wrapped her up in a hug. "I'm supposed to be the crybaby. Not you."

"Thank you."

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