Chapter 11 *Takeover*

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Toriel had left and Flowey's smile had disappeared, but I still saw it and he can't hide it. He can't hide anything from me since he's trapped in a flower pot, in my room.

"What are you looking at?" Flowey asked sharply, huh I hadn't even noticed I was staring at him.

"You," I answered, turning my head towards the window. Making my way towards it I opened it, letting the slightly chilly air in. "You smiled."

Flowey stared at me for a second, letting me notice that his petals looked wet. "You don't have proof that I did." He blurted out.

"Flowey, I saw it," I explained, looking over to him. "Even if it was a bit blurry from the tears. It looks like you shed a few tears as well."

"Shut up already," Flowey turned the other way, facing the side of my dresser. Which happens to have a drawing of him on it that I made awhile ago. "Just go do your homework or something."

"Flowey," I sighed. I had explained to him that I had gotten suspended from school so I didn't have homework, at least not till tomorrow. I'll probably have a hundred pages to be due the next day. "I got suspended from school remember, I don't have homework."

"Go make pie with Toriel then," Flowey kept staring, I think, at the hand drawn picture of him tapped to the side of my dresser. "Just leave me alone."

I sighed, this would be harder then I thought. How was I supposed to help if he doesn't even want to talk to me. He knows he smiled, he just doesn't want to admit it.

Can we just kill him already?! Chara whined from the back of my head.

"Shut up!" I slightly yelled, causing Flowey to turn around.

Oh look you got his attention, now would be a perfect time to kill him. Com'n all you have to do is grab him by the stem and rip off his petals till he's too weak to move, then you go get a knife from the kit-

"Shut up!" I yelled, louder this time. "I am not killing anyone!" Tears started to form in my eyes. I don't want to kill anyone! "I. Am. Not. Killing. Anyone!"

Oh, but you will. Sooner or later that is.

She went quiet, so I stared at the ground. For no apparent reason, I just stared at my light pink carpeted floor. I let the tears escape my eyes, wow. Now I'm the crybaby.

"Frisk," Flowey shakily said, making me snap out of my thoughts. I lifted my head to face him, he almost looked concerned. As soon as he saw me staring at him though it went back to his normal frown. "You might want to keep it down, Toriel might hear you."

I nodded and smiled, the remaining tears falling down my cheeks. "Flowey, you know I saw you smile." I blurted out. "Don't you?"

"Yes," Flowey sighed in defeat. He gave me a fake smile. "There I just gave you another. Now can you just shut up and stop bugging me."

"Flowey," I started, making Flowey groan. "You know I can help you now."

Flowey stayed quiet and turned around. Almost like he didn't want to answer me. Than again, he did tell me to leave him alone. I sighed, I really should know when to back off.

"Sorry," I muttered and headed towards my bed. It wasn't exactly dark but maybe laying down will stop this killer headache Chara gave me.

Good luck!

I groaned, flopping down on my bed. Why can't Chara just leave me the hell alone, now I guess I know how Flowey feels when I don't leave him alone.

You know you can't hide it. You secretly want to kill everybody again. We can. We can do anything you want. We can be partners, of course I'll be in control though. Because I'm th-

"Shut up," I mumbled grabbing my spare pillow and slapping it over my ear. Like that'll do anything. "I don't want to kill anyone."

Oh, com'n. Of course you do! You did it once.

"Go the hell away Chara,"

What would Toriel saw if she heard you say that? Hm?

"Shut the hell up!" I slightly yelled, the pillow muffled it a bit though. "I don't need you tell me what to freaking do, like I said before, and will keep saying until you leave me alone, I. Don't. Want. To. Kill. Anybody."

Chara stopped. Great. Now the headache's worse. Slowly, but surely I drifted to what seemed like sleep. Although I was still aware of everything around me.

"Frisk," I could slightly hear Flowey say. "I don't want you to help me," he stopped and I heard a sob escape him. "Because-because I don't know what might happen if you split your SOUL. For all I know you could die. And-and I honestly don't know how I would feel about that. It might not even work."

I turned to face Flowey, my hair falling in front of my eyes. I had opened them, I guess I wasn't asleep but it felt like it. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, instead I stood up. And when my feet reached the floor I felt...

"Flowey," I managed to get out, I gulped. All I saw was my hand reach for Flowey's pot.

"F-Frisk?" Flowey stuttered. "N-no!" Flowey actually looked scared for once. "Chara let her go!"

"Hehe, oh Asriel. You know I can't do that." I -no- Chara laughed.

"Frisk!" Flowey yelled, probably getting the attention of Toriel and probably the neighbors as well. Good thing they were Alphys and Undyne. "You're stronger than her, remember that!"

"She's gone!" Chara hissed. "Now, should I make your death painful or extra painful?"

Flowey's eyes widened as my hand reached for his stem. No. No, no, no! I watched as my hand got closer and closer and closer, and I couldn't stop it. I wanted to close my eyes, revert them so I wouldn't see me kill the person I wanted to help. But I couldn't. All I could see was my hand getting closer. I felt like I was about to cry, but I couldn't.

My hand was inches away from Flowey's stem when a blue aura surrounded my hand. Wait a second! Sans!

"Heh, should've guessed you'd return," he let out a small chuckle. "But for now, I would really like it if you left the kiddo."

"No way you damn comedian!" Chara laughed, turning my head so I could slightly see Sans. "Frisk is gone!"

"Flowey call Asgore!" I saw Sans toss Flowey his phone, which happened to land in his pot.

"I have no hands!" Flowey yelled.

"Use your face!" Sans yelled back. "I can't exactly hold her forever! So hurry up!"

"Damn you Comedien!" Chara snapped.

The next thing I saw was black.

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