Part 11

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Colin couldn't believe what he was seeing, he ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair, "what the hell Sean?" He asked the empty room.

It was clear his baby brother was troubled, far more than they had thought.

This wasn't just a case of being down in the dumps, this was more than his PTSD flaring up on him.

He had fucking lost it.

Colin ran his fingers over the first picture, it was of a pretty brunette he recognized her as Sean's partner. It was then he knew it happened again, his brother had fallen for his partner again...the fourth time.

Though this was unlike the others, this was unrequited love.

Her face covered the walls, in some she was in uniform, in others she was with a man. The man's head cut off in every picture, he knew it had to be her boyfriend. He remembered Sean ranting about the guy a few months back, he took a deep breath. He knew he should call the police, let them know that Sean was in the midst of a crisis.

He couldn't though, he needed to try and get through to his little brother, he just needed to find him.

"Did you read it?" Jay asked as Antonio as the unit gathered in Adam and Kim's living room waiting for Adam to emerge from the bedroom.

Antonio sat back against the couch, "It was hard not to read it, but I just scanned it, she left him. Said she hated running but it was her only choice"

He blinked back the tears that had filled his eyes, his hands trembling as he held the note in his hands. She left him.

He wanted to throw up and then he wanted to hit something and cap the night off falling face first in a bottle of whiskey.

"You guys can go" Adam finally returned to the living room, "she's fine. She left me" he held the note up.

"Left you?" Erin scoffed, "Adam, that's impossible"

He tilted his head to the side, "this says otherwise Lindsay, I know you two are friends but I don't wanna hear it."

"Give it to me" her hand outstretched.


She pointed at the letter in his hand, "The letter. Let me read it"

Reluctantly he handed it to her.

Erin went and sat down.


I'm not sure how to tell you this, I don't think I'm strong enough to tell you
running is the cowards way.
Over the last few weeks I've learned that you're not the one for me.
Maybe you never had been.
Always remember the good times.
Never forget that I did love you once.


Adam waited for her to finish reading, she tossed it on the table.

"You still think differently?" Adam questioned her.

Kevin was blown away, he thought he knew Kim pretty well and this wasn't her. She didn't take the cowards way out.

"Sean?" Kim muttered trying to find warmth in the freezing cold building, "what're you doing?"

He stopped pacing, "I just need to think..that's it" he told her, his voice shaky and his words rushed.

She wasn't entirely sure he wasn't high as a kite, she wasn't sure of anything. The only thing she knew was that she had crushed Adam. He had to have found the note by now and she wanted to cry at the thought of him reading it.

She hoped he wasn't only, she was fearful of what he would do.

"Sean, you can walk away from this" she told him, she knew she needed to tread carefully, she'd already set him off once. The ringing in her ears and the throbbing in her mouth reminded her.

The butt of his gun connected with the side of her face, the shock of him hitting her overpowered her pain. After all they had been through together never once did she think he'd hurt her.

She wasn't sure of anything anymore.

"Stop. Fucking. Talking" he spat, the words barely escaping his clenched jaws, "I can't think with you running your mouth"

"Adam won't.."

He spun on his heels and was in her face, "Don't say that bastard's you hear me?" He screamed, the veins in his neck bulging as he screamed. His face red and filled with anger.

Kim flinched from his movements, "I'm sorry" she mumbled, "I'm sorry" she felt a tear slip from her eye.

"I'm can go" Adam repeated for what had to have been the hundredth time in the last two hours, problem was no one believed him.

Al set the newspaper on the table, Kevin couldn't help but glare at Al. He was still pissed at how he had bad mouthed Kim.

He opened his mouth to speak when it caught his eye.

"Hold up..."


The next few chapters are big ones, I hope to have the next one done sometime tonight and hopefully the next by Sunday.

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