Chapter one

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     I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock buzzing. covering my head with a pillow I tried to block it out but it was no use. I quickly turned it off and sat up in bed. I knew that even if I tried to go to sleep I wouldn't be able to. It was a Saturday and I had forgotten to turn off my alarm. It ruined my plans of sleeping in today. I got up and got ready in my green creeper jacket, black undershirt, and black pants, brushed my teeth and long blonde hair, washed my face and put on my make up. I went down stairs to see if anyone else had gotten up, but no one had. I made cereal and poured me some orange juice when I saw a note on the fridge. It read:

     Dear Baby Bear,

Sorry honey, They needed help at work and I had to go,

so I wont be back till three tonight.

                                        Love, Papa Bear

     My mom passed away five years ago and I have been living with my dad ever since. I took the note down and balled it up throwing it into the trashcan. I'm the only child so I would be stuck home alone all day. Stupid alarm! I thought to myself. I ate my breakfast and decided to go to Game Stop and buy some new games. Maybe I would find a Legend of Zelda game. I was a huge fan of Legend of Zelda games and it has always been my dream to collect and play all of them. Some people, or should I say everyone, calls me Zelda because it was a nickname for me ever since forth grade where I played my first Legend of Zelda game. They either call me that cause they know my past or because they don't know my real name. Oh,how I wish my name was Zelda! When I got to the Store I went straight to the Nintendo games because the Nintendo D.S. is the only game system that's portable. I found the Zelda games rather quickly because when ever I come here I instantly come to this spot. I chose a couple of Nintendo games including Twilight Princess. When I got to the register I pulled out a 40 my dad gave me for allowance.

"Sorry, ma'am but that's not enough." I put a couple of games to the side I didn't like as much and tried again. after that I went back home to play. On the way to my house I got a call from my dad.

"Hey dad, what's up?"

"Hey, I've decided to go visit your grandpa and grandma this weekend because I got a call from them that Grandpa has cancer in his feeding tubes and I want to be there with your grandma while he's in the hospital."

"Is it just for the weekend or is it going to be longer?"

"Its going to be longer so be sure to back extra clothes just in case because I'm going to pick you up to go when I get off work."

"When will you get off work?"

"Around .... two or three."

"OK, I'll be ready."

"Bye honey, I love you."

"Bye, I love you too." With that I was trudging down the sidewalk. When I got home I plopped Twilight Princess in the Nintendo Wii and started to play. I didn't realize it was 12:00 until I had finished the 4th level. I paused and saved the game so I wouldn't lose my progress and got packed. I packed seven pairs of clothes and all the video games I could stuff into the bag and my Nintendo D.S.. I put my bag by the door and made me some lunch. I made a peanut butter and banana sandwich. I then started to play the game again. I heard a honk and pulled out the game I was playing and shoved it into the bag. I grabbed my bag and put it into the trunk of my dads car and got into the passenger seat with my Nintendo and a random game.

"Did you make sure the lights are off and the door is locked?" My dad asked with his hand on the stick shift. I sighed and got out of the car to do those things and we were off to the airport. I was playing my D.S. the whole time. When we landed in Wisconsin, Madison Is was so crowded that we could barely get out. It seemed like a lot of people were rushing in to the airport. Almost everyone. Did something happen while we were coming here. We finally found my grandpas car in the sea of cars. I could see that my father was getting worried of all of the people rushing in. Probably to get out of Wisconsin? I was greeted by a storm of hugs and kisses. Sure it was just from my grandma but don't underestimate her.

"How was my favorite granddaughter doing?" My grandma asked with excitement.

"Actually, can we talk at home or on the way so we can get out of this crowd?" My dad interrupted.

"Of course, I'll drive!" she was about to hop in the driver's seat when my dad put a hand on her shoulder.

"No, let me, you've probably been driving around the whole day with this kind of traffic." referring to the parking. He packed all of our stuff in the back while me and my grandma got into the car and waited.

"So, why is everyone rushing?" I asked.

"Well, to try to get to they're plane silly." My grandma was always that perky, but I assume she was trying to dodge the question.

"No, I mean why is EVERYONE rushing IN to the airport? I know they're trying to catch there plan, but EVERYONE?" I asked again. This time her face went dark, That's really unusual for her.

"Well, There were, murders around this area. A lot of murders." She then brightened up. "But I'm sure they wont come into our house. I have your father, remember?" She tried to reassure me. It didn't work, I tried to make a smile but it was clearly fake. My father then opened the driver's door, getting into the car. We drove off to grandma's house, I was looking out the window while they talked. I was still a little frightened of the "Murders" that made almost everyone leave Wisconsin.

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