Chapter Five

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(Alexis's P.O.V) I almost forgot her name.

I woke up to the sound of my dad knocking on the door yelling for me to get up. Today was my first day in my new school so I wasn't that excited.

"I'm up! I'm up." yelled at my dad who was pounding at the door. "Alright sweety, get ready." he responded and walked down stairs. I know he walk downstairs cause I could hear the pounding of his feet. I had my face squished into a pillow by now so I dramaticly got out of bed like a character in a movie dies then comes back to life. I checked my drawers to find a pair of pants, bra, undies( Yes, I call them Undies. Deal with it!) and shirt. I made my way to the shower and unndressed. After that I threw on my clothes and went down stairs for breakfast. I was still a little drowsy so I didn't notice that grandma was gone. I poured myself some milk and cereal. I ate my breakfast at the table when I realized that grandma wasn't there. I didn't really care that much so I continued to eat. I checked the clock to see what time it was. It was 5:30 so I had some time before I had to go to the bus stop. My bus got to my bus stop at around 6:20 so I had to leave at 6:00. My bus stop is at the very end of the hill so I was making sure I got there on time. I turned back to the clock to see 5:57. I was surprised that thinking would pass the time that quickly. I cleaned up all my dishes, grabbed my backpack and jacket, and was out the door. I walk down the gravel road listening to my sneakers hit the rocks and spreading them apart. It felt like someone was watching me but I ignored it. I starred at the ground thinking. That Ben dude was pretty nice. Since I had school we rescheduled the lake meeting to 7:00 tonight. I looked up to see a flash of white and black and something sting my side. It was so powerful that I fell to the ground in pain, clutching my stomach. I looked back up to see the most horrifying site. A man, or a teenager, wearing a white hoodie, black dress pants and sneakers. I think his clothes were covered in.... BLOOD!!! I looked up to his face to see pale white skin,  burnt black hair, a really wide smile, and black rings around his unblinking eyes. He reminded me of snow white, but was far from the fairest in the land. He chuckled as I felt a warm substance between my fingers on the hand that was holding my stomach. I was still in pain. I looked down to see blood oozing down my shirt and between my fingers. The man was also holding a weapon. I looked at it when he came rushing towards me.

"GO TO SLEEP!" I heard him yell as he was about to plunge the weapon into my stomach. I could see it clearly now. It was a kitchen knife. I went into a self defense mode and ignored the pain. I stood up quickly, grabbed his hand inches away from my stomach and twisted it making him flinch. I flipped over him and got on his back as he fell to the ground. Now, the pain was throbbing so hard I whimpered and fell off his back. He switched the knife to his other hand and chuckled, getting up.

"Feisty one, aren't we now?" He came running at me again when I saw a flash of green run past me and the man was knocked to the ground. On top of him was ... ben! I watched as they tussled on the ground arguing. Ben punched him in the nose while the man was trying to stab him, but couldn't get close enough without getting punched in the face. Ben got off of the man and wiped the dirt off of his jeans, or should I say tights. The man got up chuckling to him self.

"Never touch her again!" Ben yelled as the man backed off holding his hands up like he was caught.

"Don't blame me I didn't know." He laughed. I was so confused. Did Ben know this guy? Ben saw me on the ground and ran over.

"Are you ok?" He asked as he helped me up.

"Yah, other than getting stabbed in the stomach and being almost killed! Do you know this guy?" I scolded as He flinched at my words. He glanced over to the man and back at me.

"Yah," He sighed letting his shoulders drop into place. "His name is Jeff, and he will never do that to you again. I promise."

"Well, that's no excuse for almost killing me!" I yelled, then flinched in pain at my wounds. Ben noticed my reaction and held out his hands.

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