Chapter Six

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Once I was there, the doctor and some nurses did some tests on me and checked my wounds, But, they didn't look worried. After everything was done the doctor returned with his report.

"Everything is fine, you can go home, just don't play ruff. ok? And just get some rest. And, if the bandages get too dirty just replace them with these:" He then handed my father some bandages that looked at lot like mine, but, in a box. "And, you can take them off only when the wound is becoming a small, skinny scar." He finished.  He put away his clipboard and turned to walk away, but,  couple of cops stopped him in his tracks.

"Hello, my name is Mr. Brown and this is Mr. White," He pointed to a black cop and he waved back. "And, we are here to ask you a couple of questions about the man who attacked you." (See what I did there?)

"Ok" I replied. After the questions my dad signed the release forms and we were out. Ben was there the whole time. Did he actually worry about me? I thought a killer couldn't feel... Ugh. Ben, his cute fluffy blond hair, poking out of his little elf ha- wait, what am I thinking? I can't fall for a killer! Stop it brain!

Once we were home, Ben left to go to his, but, I knew he was still watching from the window. I went upstairs and plopped on my bed. I know the doctor said I had to rest, so I did. While playing video games. On my DS. Where Ben showed up, on the screen. I blinked a couple of times and he was gone.

"Ugh, I need some sleep." I thought aloud. I closed my DS and laid back in my bed and soon fell asleep. I dreamed of Ben. He was there. Just like in the game, but, he didn't go away. He came up to me and pulled me close. My heart beat faster then ever before. His warmth was radiating off of his body, on to mine. How could this be happening? I thought I can't kiss a killer... Can I? Suddenly ben smacked his lips into mine. I went along with it but it didn't take long. I woke up in a cold sweat. Remembering bits and pieces of the dream. I can't love him! I can't!

"Hey, you ok?" Suddenly I heard Ben's voice over at my side. He was by the window.

"Ben! What are you doing here? Get out of my room! You Perv!" I shouted. "Have you been here the whole time?!" I saw Ben step back against the window from my shouting and he realized what I said and shook his head no.

"I-I was just checking on you..." He replied.

"Get. OUT!" I screamed. He vanished in mid air, witch was somewhat cool, but, I couldn't help but feel quilt from yelling at him. He just wanted to check on me. I tried to shake off the feeling and take a shower. As the water hit me all of my worries seemed to wash away, right until I felt heavy cloth on my feet. Barrels! I left my socks on. I took off my socks and threw them on the vent so they could dry. I continued my shower and did all the stuff you were supposed to do in a shower. Then, I got ready and went down stairs to get some breakfast. I still had that tingly feeling of warmth. Ben actually cared enough to check up on me even if it was a little creepy...


Sorry, it was a little short. but, at least she got a kiss, even if it was in a dream. Feelings start to bloom in this chappy.....are you excited? I am....... please leave comments below, I love when I get them, it makes my day! Thank you for supporting me on this book guys.

Zelda (~Ben Drowned love story~)Where stories live. Discover now