Chapter Eleven

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Hey Hey!!!!!! How you doin'? I hope you like this chappy!!!!!!!! I want to not be bored and boring so ...... give me some suggestions for the book in the comments! Just by the way, Alexis, Lilly, and Sarah have already met. If you don't know who they are, go read my Eyeless Jack story before you read this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Alexis P.O.V)

I woke up in Ben's arms on the couch, like always. I looked up at him and he was knocked out. No literally knocked out. His mouth was wide open and he was drooling a bit. I couldn't deny it was kind of cute. I unwrapped my self from his arms and left him like that. I giggled a little seeing him twist and turn and get in a more comfortable position. More like butt high in the air and face flat in the cushions. I went into the kitchen wondering if anybody else was up. I could see Masky and hoodie eating waffles as I came in. I thought they only ate Cheesecake for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. I must of been starring because Masky seemed irritated.

"What?! Never seen us eat something else other than cheesecake?!" He practically screamed. Then I saw what was bothering him. A guy with brown hair, orange goggles, a cloth over his mouth with a smile on it was poking his shoulder to death. He twitched and spasmed out as he did so.

"Hey! Hey Masky! Hey, Hey Masky! Masky! Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Masky, Masky, Masky, Masky!!!!" He repeated on and on. I admit he was quite ignoring. I giggled as he continued and their was practically smoke coming out of Masky's ears.

"What!?" Masky finally answered. The brown haired guy giggled and answered:

"Why do you have medicine?" He then held up a bottle full of pain killers.

"Give those back!!!" Masky yelled running after the guy, with a knife. Hoodie just went on eating his waffles.

"Don't worry, if he does anything to those, I'll kill him." Hoodie replied. Whoa, he could talk. "And I know what your thinking. I can talk. Just because I'm a little shy, doesn't mean I can't talk."

I did a mental face palm and pulled out a bowl, milk, and some frosted flakes. I ate my frosted flakes listening to Masky and that random guy argue. Ben came in panicky and ran over to me and hugged me to death.

"I thought something bad happened to you!" He yelled and squeezed me harder.

"You always do if I'm not with you at all times." I responded. "Now can you please stop! can't....breath!" I gasped for air.

"Sorry" He said while letting go and ate some of my cereal.

"What was that for?!" I yelled. He gave me the puppy dog eyes and I let him eat the rest of the cereal. The random guy came running in and threw the medicine to me.

"Hide it!!!" He yelled before running back out. Suddenly Masky came running in with a panicky expression.

"Where is it?!" He asked.

"Well, I don't know..." I replied. He then ran after the random guy. "Who was that?" I asked.

"Oh, the twitchy guy?" Ben replied,"He's Toby, we call him Ticci Toby."

"Well, isn't that mean. Ticci toby?" I said before running after Masky.

"Hey Masky!" I yelled. He turned around from about to punch Toby in the face.

"What?!" He yelled. I tossed him the bottle and he brightened up. "Thank you!"

He then turned back to toby.

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