Chapter seven

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I came down the stairs but, no one was there so I crabbed an apple from the counter and sat on the couch. I started to miss Ben. Why am I missing him? He's a killer and I'm a human. I'm not falling for him, am I? the same thoughts that came to me at the hospital came to me now. I turned on the television and had an idea. I turned it off and went outside. I went walking down the driveway, trying to half clear my head and half trying to see Ben again. I came across the root I tripped on the day I met him. I sat near a tree and laid my head on the side of it. I heard a couple of steps to the side of me. I knew it was Ben.

"I'm sorry." I blurted. "For yelling at you."

"What?" He asked. He then walked into view "No, you don't need to apologize. It was my fault."

"No, its mine, I shouldn't have yelled at you. It seemed like it really hurt your feelings, cause your fragile." I playfully added.

"No I'm not!" He retaliated.

"Exactly." I think I proved my point. He crossed his arms and did a pouty face. I got up and ran over to him. I took him by the shoulders and got nose to nose with him.

"Does my baby, need a hug?" I asked.

"Yes." He mumbled. I pulled him in and tightly gave him a hug around his neck. I had to go on my tiptoes because I was so small. I was so tempted to kiss him on the cheek but, I tried not to. The feeling in my chest got stronger and stronger as I thought of kissing him. But, I couldn't get the courage to. I let him go and looked into his eyes, he took me by the shoulders and.....

(Bens P.O.V)

She suddenly hugged me and a burst of excitement mixed with warmth in my chest just exploded. I took a breath of her sweet sent into my lungs. I hope she didn't notice. I pulled her off and took her by her shoulders. I looked into her eyes and the heat off the moment just took over me. I smacked my lips against hers and I felt her tense at first but then melt into it. I asked for entrance and she excepted. A chill went down my spine as I entered and searched every corner of her mouth. Suddenly remembered her wound. I pulled away and looked at her in worry. She gasped for air and finally spoke.

"what's wrong?" She asked. I looked down at her bandages and she just shrugged. "I can't feel anything except for a little pinch of it healing." She replied. I took her hands and moved away slightly.

" You should be getting back," I replied.

"Can you come with me?" She asked with puppy dog eyes. I sighed and agreed smiling at her beautiful face. We walked home and we started to watch a marathon of paranormal activities. She snuggled close to me on scary parts and leaned her head on my shoulder in the middle. She soon closed her eyes and whispered "I love you," The same warmth came to me in my chest and a shiver up my spine. In my mind I was celebrating so much, I tried to calm down.

"I love you, too." I replied. Her breathing soon came to a steady rhythm, telling me she was asleep. I couldn't believe this., I actually can love. I looked at her beautiful face as she slept on my shoulder. Well, she was drooling a bit. I chuckled to myself and soon went to sleep. But, one question still nagged at me. where's her father and grandmother?


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