Chapter 8

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(Unknown's P.O.V)

     As I woke from my concussion, I saw red. Everything. It was red. I looked around, trying to find something to look at, I finally saw another person. She was behind me and she was trying to speak, but, it was muffled. I tried to move, but, I also had a piece of duck tape stuck over my mouth. I tried moving my hands but, they were tied together. With some sort of rope. (Guess who it is?)

     Suddenly a large, dark figure emerged from the......fog? He was tall, looked like black skinned. There were, horns, on top of his head. And, he looked ....naked?! He then walked forwards towards me. He leaned down and I finally saw his features. He! This is unbelievable! I must be hallucinating! He then spoke.0_0 but, he had ONE closed one?

"Hello, My name is Lord Zalgo. And, I see your in quite a pickle, as you humans call it." His voice was like many people talking at once and it gave me a slit headache. I couldn't believe it. I was so petrified I couldn't breath. My heart was beating so fast, all I could think about was getting the heck out of there! But, what really sent shivers down my back was his laugh. It was cold and hard. Chilled me right down to the bone. The woman behind me screamed. I just couldn't take it. I thought I was going to pass out. He took his finger, witch was really a claw and put it to my neck.

"But, you know your daughter is breaking my law. And, if you weren't a better father. You wouldn't be here right now." He continued in a more menacing voice.(Realization in "And you are going to die for it. Slowly and painfully. Oh, and she is too. Isn't that wonderful?! A family outing. Into the cold embrace of death. But, a little delay getting there. YOUR mother is going to pay, too. All of you will, eventually." He laughed even louder and hysterically than before. He used his claw to cut the tape from my mouth and let me speak.

"Your not going to do anything to my daughter!" I yelled, spitting in his face. Luckily it landed right in his eye. unfortunately he blinked so it all didn't go in. He wiped the wet gunk away and he smiled, showing his large, sharp as nail teeth.

"Oh, she will be the slowest and the more painful. I would do it myself, but, I don't want to get my claws dirty." He then chuckled as he stepped back into the fog. " Jane! finish the job. hehehehehahahaHAHAHAHA" He then finished with maniacal laughter that seemed to echo off the walls of where ever we were. I heard screams from behind me and I knew my fate was sealed.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I just love that little thingy, it's weird! *maniacal laughter!*

(Alexis's P.O.V.) *Ben knows her name now, I just didn't tell you that part...sorry.*

Ben was fast asleep when I woke up. What a night! I never realized I had feelings for him until last night. True feelings anyway. I sat up and yawned while stretching. I got up and check the clock. It was still early morning, 9:15. I went to sleep early. I looked at Ben who was fast asleep. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. Anyway, I made some pancakes *hurrah! for pancakes!* And left some for Ben when he woke up. I ate my share and I just realized that my dad and grandma were still not here. I guess they're just visiting grandpa again. I got up and saw that Ben was still knocked out, so I went outside for a walk. I went through the front door. I made my way through the forest, this time, behind my house. So, I don't have the same background every time I come out of my house. Or my grandmother's house for that matter. I heard fast footsteps and hard breathing coming from behind me. I turned to see that guy who stabbed me the other day emerge from the trees. I stopped right in my tracks as his panicked face stared right at me.

"Huff, huff, I, huff, I" He gasped, catching his breath. Wait, where's Ben?" He asked, finally catching his breath.

"Oh, well, he's at my house." I said confused.

"I really advise you to have him by your side when I tell you this." He said, for once. He was serious.

"What is it?" I asked, but, ne gave me a look. If he can with that permanent smile in his face. God, he shouldn't have done that...Now I sound like Ben! I walked off with him by my side. I made it to the house in one piece. unlike last time I was with him. I kept eyeing him. What do you expect from a person who's almost been killed by him! Well, maybe I'm exaggerating. I saw Ben looking wide eyed and almost about to scream. I walked up to him and he hugged me with a big sigh.

"I'm so glad your ok!" He said. I pulled away and looked at him like "Calm down".

"Don't worry, this Jeff guy needs to talk to you." I said. He looked at Jeff with a 'What do you want now?!' look. Jeff did a death glare at us and then went on.

"Ok, I don't know how to break it to you but. Have you ever thought of what Zalgo would do if he found out about a human and a creepypasta together?" He asked." Because, he did. I'm sorry but, whatever your name is. Your dad and grandmother, are dead."

"Wait, are you serious?" Ben asked.

"Would I ever Lie to you?" He asked.


"THATS BESIDES THE PIONT!" Jeff interrupted. Wait, my, my dads ....dead? Time seemed to slow down as Tears started to swell in my eyes. My, My dad. I'll never get to see him again. I so wished I could hug him one more time. I unconsciously  walked to the couch and sat down. Ben followed, trying to comfort me. I just starred into the distance as time got slower and slower. I started to cry and thought of every memories I had of my father. I had never felt this way before, besides my mother dyeing. But, now BOTH of my parents were dead. I half listened to Jeff as he spoke. And its all thanks to that dick called Zalgo. Anger boiled inside of me and I clutched my fist and clenched my teeth. I felt like exploding and never coming back to earth.

     Ben pulled me into his chest and I just cried hard into his green shirt. I couldn't help but, scream a little and I just thought of ripping that Zalgo guy, whoever he is, limb by limb. I started to laugh a little and just let go. What a wonderful way to start your morning. I feel like just tearing everything apart. Limb by limb. Ripping their guts out and finally shoving their gouged eyes into their throats. I started to laugh even louder and louder. I could barely hear anything. I unburied my face from Bens chest and looked over at Jeff. Jeff and Ben looked at me like I was going insane. I realized I had a huge smile on. It quickly faded and I hugged Ben again.

"I'm, I'm not, g-going crazy! I'm not! I'm not!!!" I yelled into his chest. "I'm not.....I'm not....I'm.....not........" I broke into tears once more and I bet I left bewildered faces on them both.


Heeeeeey! Did you like da chappy?! I did. I love you all! no, personal....I love you...Anyway! I was listening to Avril lavigne's song, Hello Kitty while Making this, just incase you wanted to listen to it. It's a really good song. Please, leave a comment!

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