Chapter Four

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(Bens P.O.V.)

I was running in the forest towards the Slender Mansion. I couldn't believe what just happened. I was going to kill that girl but I didn't know what to do after I saw her face. It's like I couldn't control myself. I still remember her saying that she loved Legend of Zelda and her nickname was Zelda. I still don't know her real name but that didn't matter. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I didn't realize that I had said to meet at the lake until now. I totally forgot that I was scared of water. What will I te- My thoughts were interrupted when I unconsciously ran into a tree and held my head in pain. I heard laughter in the background knowing who it was.

"What do you want Jeff?" I asked annoyed. I looked back at Jeff still rubbing my head. He was bent over gripping his stomach.

"HAHAHA, that was hilarious!" He laughed hysterically as he wiped a tear away.(How can he cry?) He fell to the forest floor laughing his ass off.

"Oh, you think that's funny?! I'll show you funny!" I screamed as a stomped over to him. I suddenly realized my hat was gone and I looked around desperately to find it. 

"Your right! That was funny!" Jeff still laughed as he held up my hat.

"Give it back! I'm not in the mood!" I Yelled as I jumped for it, but missed and fell to the leafy ground. He laughed even louder as I got up.

"Whatever, keep it." I mumbled as I wiped all the dirt off of my clothes. I began to walk away when I heard Jeff whimper.

"What are you not going to play the game?" He asked with an evil smirk. I continued to walk until he gave in. "Fine, asshole, Slendy wants you anyway. He wants to do something about going on a Killing spree or something. Says it will be like old times."

I went up to get my hat off the dirty ground, knocking the dirt off of it. Maybe going on a killing spree will get my mind off of Zelda, Maybe. I put the hat on my head and made my way to the mansion with Jeff. It was silent the whole time. We finally made it back to the mansion and I just waited for Slendy by playing some call of duty with Jeff. Time flies by when your haven fun. But I still couldn't get Zelda off of my mind!


Just thought I could jazz it up a bit by telling the story in Ben's point of view. I guess its not as, perverted as he usually is but I'll try to make him later in the story. Thanks and have a nice day!!!!!!!!

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