Ch.17 My Goodbye's

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A/N: Just wanted to say....HELLO! ITS ME...I regret Nothing! Nothing I say!!!!

=Garroth's P.O.V.=

Zenix and I sprinted over to the Lord's to reveal...nothing, wheres the Lord..?

"Where. is. he...?!" I say angrily

"That's what I mean, when I came to check on him...he was gone." Zenix confessed 

"....Send a search-party out for him...NOW!"

=Aphmau's P.O.V.=

My eyes softly flutter open, I flip over to the alarm clock to check what time it was...11:36, uhh... I feel some shuffling beside me. I try to wake my body up, but only my head would move, I look over and see Laurance quitely sitting on the corner of the bed watching me struggle to move, from how tired I was

"Oh hey! your awake" he says as he trys to hide something behind his back, hoping I couldn't see it

"Uh...ya I'm awake...question, what behind your back.?" I say as I try to grab it from him

"'s really nothing.." He pushes me away

"Sure...nothing, can I pleeaase see what it is!!" I beg, while giving puppy-dog eyes

"Fine. Close your eyes..." I closed my eyes, but making sure there was a little crack I could see from, until "NO PEEKING!" He says...Awe! He knows me so well! <3

=Laurance's P.O.V.=

I gently placed a breakfast tray over her lap "K, open your eyes!" She slowly unplaced her hands from over her eyes, she opened her eyes to reveal a brunch spread across her lap

"Awww! Thanks Laurance, I would love to give you a hug but..." Her eyes pointed to the tray

"Well, I need to get ready for training" I lean close and give a small peck on her cheek as she gives off a cute giggle

"Okay, after this, I'll be packing..." She says

"Okay...just don't leave until I get back, okay?" I say

"Okay...umm, just one question...last night did you actually mean what you said..?" I guess she heard what I said last night

"Umm, sort of.?" I could feel the heat between us, it was so awkward because we both knew we liked each other..."I gotta go before I'm late!" I say, running off

"Oh, okay thanks for breakfast... I'm mean brunch!"

"Oh yeah, no problem!" I smirk


=Aphmau's P.O.V.=

I finish my brunch and head down stairs to drop off the dishes, but I accidentally collide into Cadenza, while dropping the dishes at the same time

"I'm sooo sorry!" I say trying to pick up everything but get stopped by Cadenza

"It's okay, I got is my house anyways" she bent down picking up every shard of glass and dishware

"No, no let me help!" I say

"No you can go relax, I don't need anything else to break, haha!" 

"...heh, yeah sorry.." I go over to the couch and rest, my eyes get heavier by the seconds and soon dozed off


"Aph, APH!" my eyes manage to open from a familiar voice of...Laurance.!

I attempt to get up, but that failed... horribly, so I just decided to look up at him God, I'm so lazy!

"Wha..!" I say, totally out of it

"What are you doing...haha, your suppose to be at the gates?!"

"Wait,what! Already! Where are my things?!?!" I say running around the room like a chicken with its head cut off

"Haha! Aph, it's okay! I brought everything to the gates"

" means a lot" I give him a quick hug "com'on, let's go to the gates..."

We both make are way to the gate, to see Dante, the Lord and Cadenza with her bags packed..? I walk up to them all

"Uhh...hey, yah sorry I'm late but...Cadenza what's with the bags?!"

"Heh...the first thing you say, huh!" She fires back

"No, I said sorry I'm late!" I say back in a devilish tone

"Haha!...but on a serious note, I'm coming with you!" She says, switching the topic

"Wait, what!!!" I say shocked

"...I thought you would be happy..!"

"I am, I truly am...but what about your family, and friends?!" I questioned

"I'm 21, I think I need to move on...a new start would be perfect! I've already been over it with my dad, and he said that would be perfect too!" She cheers

"Now, you better take care of my sugar blossom!! <3" her dad demands in a caring tone

"Yes sir!" I say setting my stand

"Thank you Aphmau, it means a lot. Now I better be on my way!" He then turns and heads back into the village. Now it leaves Laurance, Dante, Cadenza, and me!

"Well, I guess I'll break the silence... Aphmau, good luck on journey, I'll miss you" Dante says coming in for a hug, I didn't think Dante as a hugging person?!

"Bye Dante thanks for everything, hopefully I'll see you soon!" After I say my Goodbye's to Dante he also heads back to the village

After that, I turn to Laurance. We sort of just started in each other's eyes smiling, and for me blushing...

"I'll leave you to be, Aphmau when your done come find me and we can start the Adventure!" Cadenza says and wanders through the fields admiring everything around her.

I look back at Laurance, how now seems to be a bit closer... "Well, I guess this is goodbye..." He looks up at me with his innocent eyes

"I-I don't w-want this t-to be Good...bye" I stutter through tears

He pulls me close into his warm chest, as I lean on his shoulder, and his heated hands held me at my waist "Maybe I shouldn't have said Goodbye...picture it as, See'ya soon!" He craddles me in his arms

I pull away slightly, just enough so I can look into his soft eyes... "Laurance I-I-" I stop as my face becomes closers to his, by the second. Until are lips were face to face, I knew that this would probably be the last kiss for away...his warm, pleasant lip sunk into mine as if this was the last time in are life we would see each other...

We both pull away, as warm wet tears bubbled from my eyes... Laurance lifted his thumb to my eyes and wiped away the tears that softly fell from my eyes. "Please don't cry...your gorgeous when you smile, and that's how I want to remember you..."

"Heh...*wipes away the tears* I'm going to go get Cadenza..." I say running off in the direction she did too 


I'm about to head in the carriage, with Cadenza. I quickly turn around to see Laurance about to leave, I run up behind him and tackle him, which make him laugh. We both stand up, and I now give him a proper hug...I go up to his ear and whisper "I-I love you..too <3" 

I release from the hug and run into the carriage, I get in and look through the miniature window to see Laurance blowing a kiss, I give off a smile and blow one back...

I-I'm going to miss him...<3


LONGEST CHAPTER YET!!! I'm soo dearly sorry for the late post, I kept on getting distracted... Oops! But I hope you guys like it commeny, follow, and vote for more!!! Bye my Sweets <3

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