Ch.24 Arrival!

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A/N: I was going to name the chapter 'The Visit' but then I thought about the horror movie, If u have every watched it, OMG I never want to go to my Grandparents again! To the Book!

=Aphmau's P.O.V.=


That means Laurance..


I go into a day dream I begin to blush at the thought of Laurance, I even started to twirl my hair?! 

"Hey Aph, were going to have to ride some horses!" Cadenza trys to tell me but I was distracted "Aphmau! Lord Aphmau!!" She yelled at me to try to get my attention.

"Huh!" My day dream fades away

"Hahaha! What were you thinking about?!...your boyfriend?" She places her hands on her hips, and gives my a smirk full of attitude

"Wha! No..!" I blush, Maybe I was thinking about him...his dreamy baby blue eyes that you can easily get lost in, his softy, thick hair that forms over his eyes, his perfectly structured jaw line...His Everything...

"Aphmau you daydreaming again..?!" Cadenza starts to poke me

"Aye! Stop poking me!" I say, shoving her

"Okay-okay! But did you hear what I said?!" She smirks

"" I look down at my feet

"Haha! Thought so! We have to ride horses..." Sheexplainede

"HORSES! SHOW ME!!" I shriek

"Hahaha! Okay, follow.." Cadenza guides me to the horses, Awe! My horse is a dark brown with a shadow black mane...It's so...CUTE! Cadenza's horse is okay, not as cool as mine! Hers is a plain white horse with black spots painted across it.


Half way there, I can see the village barely in the distance...were almost there! I hit my horse at the side to make him speed up, as we go faster Cadenza follows close behind.

Everything around me passes by, and before I knew it Cadenza and I were at the entrance of Village Meteli...we remain at the gates until the gates raise, but it wasn't someone neither Cadenza or I were  familiar with

"Halt! I need names..." The guard demands

"Cadenza, 'Princess of Meteli' and this is a close friend, Aphmau." Cadenza properly introduces us

"Cadenza! Princess?! Oh. I'm so sorry for questioning you!" He grabs her hand and raises it to his lips and gives off a small gentle kiss

"Heh...thanks, we'll be going now" Cadenza grabs the horses that are now on leads and begins to walk off, I quickly catch up with her.

She ties the lead around the fences that blocks off the small public garden. "I'm going to a friend's house you may come if you choose?!" She asks

"Uhh..? I-" I turn around to see Cadenza running to the center of the village...well I guess I can't go...thanks.

Now what do I do?! I start to wander around the village, remembering all the memories! Haha! I begin to head towards the center of the village where Cadenza was headed, I look around and see many of familiar faces, but not the one I want to see...

I see all the children playing in the fields, not caring about the future. While the parents watching their children wishing that they could be that young again. And the adults that having kids, have never crossed their minds...haha! Everyone is always so cheerful in this village, why did I ever leave?!

...Everyone is here, except it can't be him, turn my head slightly to the left and see face that I would never see again...Laurance, it's actually him!

"Laurance?..." I say with a confused tone in my voice

He looks over, to where his name was being called. "Aphmau..." His facial expression slowly turn happier by every second he was looking at me

I ran over to him as if it was only us on the street "Laurance!!" I jump up into this arm, I hold on to him not ever wanted to let go. He spon me around in his arms, as he holds me close into his chest

"L-Laurance! I-I've missed y-you..." I begin to cry

He gently puts me back onto my feet, he grabs the side of my arms and looks into my eyes that  glistens with my tears "I missed you too Aphmau, heh... I've missed you a whole lot..."


And, another chapter done! Not to much drama... Yet?! I'm sorry for a short, crappy chapter today but the next chapter!!!!! I can't wait! But comment, follow and vote for more! Bye my Sweets<3

Words: 722 (Not Edited)

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