Ch.25 Her..?!

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=Aphmau's P.O.V.=

"I-I've missed you too, I've missed you a whole lot.." Those words circled around my head, for what seemed like hours...

I look up at him with no words, just tear in my eyes and a smile that told him everything..."I-I'm sorry Aph.." He pulled me into another hug as I hug back, I could feel Laurance slightly sobbing...

He never cries

I pull back, to see his eyes all puffy "heh...Laurance?!"

He turns the other direction and wipes his eyes and nose "Laurance?" I tug on his shoulder "talk to me?!"

"I-I should of went!" He fires out, he turns back around but only for me to see the anger, and disappointment that layed on his face

"Wow! Still haven't gotten over that I see..." I say playfully

He smirks, that's what I wanted to see "Now there's the Laurance, I know!" I giggle

"S-soo? How life handle ya?" He says, trying to forget that he even shed a tear

"Heh...well, I-I'm..a Lord." I say, trying not to make it a big deal

"....wah? A Lord?!" His eye widened

"..yeah..? Is that okay?" I ask in a confused tone, I thought he would be happy

"Of course thats okay, but...A Lord?! In three months?!?!" His hands fly up "that's insane!"

"You saying that I'm not responsible enough!" I take offense

"No no no! I'm not saying anyth-" Laurance stops as this girl with sliver metalic coloured hair walks up to us with her hand on her hip, on the urge to slap me...What's her problem?!

"Laurance, who is this!" Her dead magenta eyes flash over to me

I look over to Laurance, who looks like he just peed his pants "Aphmau, my name is Aphmau, why?"

Laurance looks at the girl "heh...Sasha!" His voice starts to focus

What in Irene is happening?!

"Ummm?! Would someone mind telling me what's happening?!?!"

"Yeah! Laurance!" Sasha looks dead into his eyes as her hands form a fist

"...fine." He takes a deep breath "Aphmau, this is"

He better not say girlfriend!

"My girlfriend..." 

Those words...I swallow hard, I guess three months were too long, long enough for Laurance to move on...

"Sasha, this is close...friend" he struggles to make his mouth say those words, (FRIEND ZONED!)

"Hmpf! Yeah! Now Laurance, I just finished dinner so hurry on home!" She says all sweetly, I swear to Irene!

Sasha skips all the way home, happy as can be! As soon as she was out of Me and Laurance's sight we look back at each other "Aphmau I-" "Shut it!" I cut him off

"Aphmau I'm soo sorry!" He gets down on his knees "Please, I'm so sorry!"

"Laurance get up!" I tug his hand, he manages to get back on two feet

"Aph..." He looks me in the eyes, as both of our eyes begin to water...

We both still love each, and both of us know it...

"I'm going to go get Cadenza..." I turn around and walk away, to only hear Laurance plead for me... 

Please Laurance, don't make this harder then it is..

"Aphmau wait!" He grabs ahold of my wrist and turns me around "I can fix this! Just give me time.." It was like one of those chessy romantic novels, you would always try to avoid when you were a kid

"L-laurance... Stop, please.." I say as tears roll down my face

"No I won't stop, until I can call you mine again.."

"I was never yours, Laurance!" I say angrily, but all I could do was cry.

"A-Aphmau..." the grabs my hand, only to make me cry more

"Laurance...go be happy, with someone who can actually make you happy..." I look away, I couldn't take looking at his would only bring back the memories of the good days with him

"Your that person that makes me happy, the reason I get up in the morning, the reason I finish everyday, the reason I still had hope that we would see each other again... Aphmau I-I love you.."

"I'm sorry Laurance, you can't fight a battle you've already lost...I'm gonna go get Cadenza.."

"Yeah, uh sorry?...I'll cya when, I cya..." He gave a small fake smile and headed back home to his wonderful, dreamy girlfriend... Sasha!

I turn around to start my search for Cadenza, but there she was...standing there, mouth hung words to say. Her arms opened up, as if she was the mother to a daughter who just lost there puppy...I ran into her arms and began to sob, I didn't think a trip to Meteli would be this bad..

=Laurance's P.O.V.=

You can't fight a battle you've already lost...

I was never yours...

My mind felt like a war field... Everything gone, torn apart, people in panic...why do I have to be so stupid!

I called her my close friend...she more then that..

I was planning on heading back to the house, but Sasha was the last person I wanted to see. So where else to go other then my good friend Dante! I had no other choice...I head all the way across the village to Dante's house, I knock my fist against the door, only a few seconds later Dante appeared in the door frame

"Hey! What you doing here?!"

"Can I hang here for the night..?!" I ask

"Uhh...yeah, sure!" He opened the door to let me into, I flew pass him to his fridge

"What are you doing!?!" He questions

"Checking for beer.." I say as I scavenge through his fridge "Aye! Got one!" I pull out the beer bottle to show him "Want one?"

"Yeah, toss one!" I threw the beer at him, and luckily he caught it, I jump down on the couch beside him

"What happened with Sasha this time..?" He asks annyoed

"Not Sasha this time" he looks at me, while his eyes widen

"Then what happened?!"

"Aphmau stopped by..." I say, the memories started to flood my head again, all the pain came back. The only way for the pain to go away was alcohol, so I took a sip a beer

"Wha?! She didn't even say hi to me?!?!" Dante says offended

"Not the point!" I take another sip of beer

"I know, I know, but what happened?!" He asked concerned

"Aphmau and I were talking until Sasha came up, Aphmau asked who she was an I answered, Sasha left, but only to leave me and Aphmau having this weird fight about our...relationship" I finish off the beer

"You gotta dump her!" Dante States

"Dump who? Sasha?!" He nods "If you want Aphmau back..."

You can't fight a battle you've already lost...not yet! I haven't lost yet...


And there's your extra long-ish chapter with a side of drama! Comment, follow, and vote for more! Bye my Sweets<3

Words: 1138

Only Us (Laurmau FF) Discontinuedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें