2 | welcome back, ms. stinson

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Amelia combed her fingers through her tangled hair as attempted to contain all of her gear in her lanky arms. She hurried through the wide halls of the official SHIELD building, gaining the attention of many agents along the way down to Fury's office. The agents stood, wide eyed and mouth agape as they saw the rare specimen clumsily stumble down the hall.

Amelia swung open the glass door to Nick Fury's office. "Nick," Amelia breathed out heavily.

"Ms. Amelia Stinson, always a pleasure to see you." Nick smiled widely.

"Yeah, yeah. Look, I know I look like a mess, however I—," Amelia sighed, smirked slightly and laughed under her breath, "don't care."

"I understand," Nick rolled his eye at the woman he used to call his auntie, "now, sit." Amelia followed his command and sat willingly.

"You found the tesseract? I thought it was destroyed when it when went down with—" Amelia stopped. She had almost slipped, she almost broke her oath to never say his name.

"—the Red Skull's ship." Nick finished for her, despite the fact she was going to say something else.

"Well, Howard Stark had fished it out a long time ago when he was trying to search for the ship's ruins." Fury explained.

"Ah, my lover boy. But, he never told me about getting the tesseract?" Amelia was confused.

"I'm sure he did tell you," Nick scoffed, "because of whatever Erskine injected into you, which was definitely not the super-soldier serum, you can drink and get drunk. So, considering the state you're in now, you were probably drunk, instead of high, when he told you."

Amelia looked down at her feet, a bit shamefully. "Oh." She muttered.

"Anyways, a God, named Loki, took it. He's quite power hungry and dangerous. I've been trying to get all of the Avenger candidates to help." Nick said.

Amelia chuckled. "You know that's never going to happen. Who would want to be an Avenger? Sounds like something out of a corny superhero movie. Ooo, The Avengers are coming to save us all!" Amelia mocked, while laughing her ass off.

Nick raised a brow at Amelia. Amelia caught his stare and realized, he was asking her to join the Avengers. "Wait, woah woah woah. Hell—"

"—yes!" Nick shouted, finishing her exclamation.

"—no!" Amelia corrected.

"Amelia, please. The world needs your help. Don't you want to do good again?" Nick pleaded.

Amelia slumped in the chair, arms crossed like a bratty child. She rolled her eyes. "Fine. But just to defeat this asshole of a God."

"Thank You, Chronos." Nick said.

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Short chapter but I hoped you guys liked it! Next chapter is probably going to have some flashbacks and a lottt of drama since she is going to have her life completely flipped upside down! :)
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