n/a | asgardians

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Amelia jogged down the street, perspiration dripping off her forehead and onto the hot New Mexico ground, with a dog leash, which was attached to her new puppy: Louisa, tightly gripped in one hand and her phone in the other. Her headphones bounced up and down in correspondence to every step she took. Her music was blasting loudly into her ears, and she had ran this trail plenty of times before, so she had been running blindly and was enjoying her music.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Amelia crashes into a large, stiff figure. Her vision blurs for a split second as she was knocked back onto the concrete. Amelia looked up, angrily, and yanked her earbuds out of her head.

"What the hell are you doing standing in the middle of a runner's trail?" Amelia yelled at the tall man, whom looked quite confused and lost.

Amelia tapped on his shoulder vehemently, making him turn around quickly to look at her. "Get out of my way." Amelia compelled, her eyes dilating as she focused her core energy on that compulsion. The man complied willfully and walked away quickly.

Amelia dusted off her pants and reorganized herself to begin to running again.

"Impressive," some guy, dressed in a sleek black and green outfit, said, "I didn't know an average girl could do that."

"Well," Amelia rolled her eyes, "I'm not an average girl." She scanned his odd garb.

"You into cosplay or something?" She scrunched up her eyebrows, in confusion.

"Something like that." He smirked mischievously.

"...okay." Amelia said, a bit unsure, as she carefully began to walk away. After she had about 7 feet in between them, she took off jogging again.

"Freak." She mumbled. [Ironic...]

* * *

 "This one's for Jass," Amelia yelled out to the crowd in the club, raising her shots of tequila up in the air, "and to the class of 2011!" The people of the club began cheering as Amelia downed both of the shots on top of the counter

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"This one's for Jass," Amelia yelled out to the crowd in the club, raising her shots of tequila up in the air, "and to the class of 2011!" The people of the club began cheering as Amelia downed both of the shots on top of the counter.

"Don't fall, love." Someone said from below, reaching out a hand for Amelia to take. Amelia immediately took the hand, sloppily stepping down onto the ground.

"Thanks—," Amelia looked up to the man, "you again?!" She pulled her hand back.

"Are you shtalking me?" Amelia slurred. [yes she can get drunk... remember she didn't take the super soldier serum.]

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