Secrets Revealed

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"YOU'RE WHAT?! AND BY WHO?!" Eleanor said, looking back over at Dani. She coulnd't believe what Dani just said.

"Well, I took a test...and.." Dani started again, feeling horrible she could do this to some of the best people in her life.

"But you know thats why they broke up in the first was them who were fighting..."

"Yea...," Dani said, more ashamed of what she had done.

"When'd you even tell Liam?" El questioned, more anxious of the answer.

"This morning, when we were running. It's easier for me to think and act when we're running and I just thought...I mean he would have caught on eventually," Dani said, even more ashamed the more she shared.

"So did you tell Liam who's baby it was?" El said, more distraught and horrified.

"No you idiot, she's dumb if she does that. Remember what happened the last time the two of them got in a fight?" Perrie said, still suffering from her horrible hangover. Then, Perrie looked up and saw Nia and Moriah walking back over, smiling, obviously not knowing the news.

"Look, when Nia and Moriah back over here, don't say a word," Perrie said, her headache pounding even more at what Dani was saying. Dani was supposed to be the good girl, not the good girl gone bad.

"Hey guys! Sorry, I had to show Nia the bathrooms in that hotel. They guy literally- Why is she crying?" Moriah looked concerned, looking over at Danielle.

No one answered at first. Then, all Danielle could muster up the strength to do was hug Moriah. Then, she looked straight into Nia's eyes when she hugged her, just saying, "I'm sorry,". She coulnd't tell Nia the rest. She was dumbfounded she had done it. Then, she walked away, going back to her hotel to pack her bags and go far far away.

"What was that all about?" Nia said, taking a seat next to Perrie and El.

"Well...Dani is...pregnant," El said, telling the girls the whole story, leaving out the detail of the father.

"If Liam's not the father...." Moriah began to say, not wanting to finish because Nia was right there. El and Perrie knew who the father was, she could tell by the way El looked at Nia with a tear on her eye and Perrie was just looking dead at Nia, emotionless.

"Then Harry is," Nia said, choking back on her own words, realizing how much the truth hurt.

"But you guys weren't gonna do the...bow chic a wow wow..." Niall said, trying to ease how tense the moment was by quoting his girlfriends favorite tv show Reba.

"Well...we didn't have it..." Liam said, looking at Harry. Harry's eyes were watering, Harry knew what he did, but Liam didn't. He would never even think Harry. Sure, they had a falling out before an that's how the band broke up, but it was over something...someone completely different.

"Well.. Did ya dump.."

"I sent her home. She can go on with her life and her-" Liam was cut off by his own tears welling in his eyes. He didn't want it to be true, but it had to be. The only way Dani could be pregnant, is if she cheated. They did have one big fight a few days ago before the beach trip, but he thought they'd resolved it. He couldn't do with all the problems. They fought more then they made up. Liam was honestly tired. Tired of watching Dani go clubbing every time they had a fight. Tired of wondering if she'd get back to her house safe, or not. He was just tired.

"Earth to Liam," Zayn said, dragging Liam out of his thoughts.

"Who's the baby daddy?" Louis said, trying not to laugh as hard as he could. The way baby daddy rolled off his tounge made Louis want to laugh so hard he had to bite his tounge.

In the silence of everyone waiting for Liam's answer, Liam looked out into the ocean, he but his own tounge, saying, "She wouldn't tell me. She said it'd hurt me more then help me to know who the father was. Then she started rambling something about Nia-"

Suddenly Harry's green glossy eyes darted to Liam. The tension was so thick between them that if you walked up to them where they were standing you could feel the thickness in the air. Harry calmed himself before saying through clenched teeth, "What did she say about Nia?"

Liam's brown eyes darted right back to Harry's eyes which were already on him, then said, "She mumbled it, I don't know what she said. All I heard was she's a better person because she wouldn't still be with you after you told her what...happened."

As soon as the words left Liam's mouth, he realized what Dani was saying. He realized what clue Dani had dropped without him knowing. She didn't want to start a fight between Harry and Liam, they just got back together. When the words left Liam's lip, his eyes angrily looked over to Harry and he punched him. Harry's lip started bleeding. Harry wasn't going to let Liam just...just hit him like that. Even if he did deserve it. He hit Liam back, and before they knew it, they were both bloodied and the boys were pulling them off each other in attempt to not make a scene.


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