Fights Break Out

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"I swear it's not what it looks like Harry..."

"This is Gemma all over again. Except this time, it's my girlfriend?" Harry said, clenching his fists and grinding his teeth.

"Look nothing even happened with Genna and me! It was a misunderstanding there too! But you'd never know that. You don't even listen to a word Gemma-"

"You leave my little sister out of this," Harry said, getting angrier and having to push the curls out of his face again.


"Come on Nia, let's get out of here before this bloody idiot causes anymore trouble," Harry said, grabbing Nia's purse and the tiny on board bag he had bought with him on the plane. Nia had started to cry a little, but she looked up and over to Liam as if to say sorry that this happened. 

Liam decided to speak up at the wrong time, but he spoke up anyway, he was tired of hiding his feelings and what he felt for Nia. He was sure he loved her, even if he had just met her practically...or it was jet lag, but he decided against the fact that it was jet lag, that he really loved her.

"Nia gave me the same chance she's giving you," Liam said, grabbing his overhead bag. Luckily, he couldn't see Nia's face or Harry's for that matter.

"She...what?" Harry said, anger burning in his eyes and instead of looking at Liam, he was searching Nia's eyes for answer.

"She gave me a week to prove myself to her. Harry, anyone that messes around with yo-"

Liam didn't get the rest of his sentence out. Instead, Harry punched him, causing the orderly fashion of people leaving first class into a nightmare.


Just look inside your heart and find which guy you like...or love better. And sorry, Niall woulnd't lemme text whyile we were still eating :p -Moriah

"Girl, put that phone down, we are about to enter a mall in LONDON!" El squealed, and Moriah looked up. The place was stunning. It was lit up practically like everything else was in London at that time of night. 

"Oh let's go there!" Perrie said, smiling at El and Moriah, obviously in a better mood as they entered the Soho Girl store.

"Girls, look around, becuase I've got Louis' credit card!" El said, making all three girls squeal like little school girls.


"So what are we actually going to do while the girls are out?" Louis said, breaking the silence.

"I dunno, get waisted?" Zayn said.

"Yea right, I got to drive Harry's car. I'm not getting waisted," Niall said, looking down at his hands.

"Just like old times when you guys were best buds, eh?" Zayn said harshly, making Niall cringe.

"No actually, it's not anything like 'old times' lad, nothing like old times" Niall said, looking over at Louis who was looking down at his hands, obviously remembering what they meant by 'old times'.

"How about we go in that comic book store," Louis said, wearing the fakest smile ever and walking into the store.


"Where do you think the guys are, I'm ready to go home!" Moriah said, looking at the millions of bags her and her friends were carrying out from the about fifth store they had went into. 

"I don't know, wait, isn't that them in the comic book store?" Perrie said, smiling and then frowning. One of them had a busted eye and the other one a busted lip, and the other was holding his knee.

"NIALL!" Moriah shrieked as they ran closer.

"Zayn, seriously?" Perrie said, rolling here eyes.

"I ....I thought you had stopped this," Eleanor said, looking down and Louis busted leg.

"I SAID OUT OF MY STORE WITH THAT!" a man said, looking at the boys on the ground and shooing them out with his broom.

"What happend Niall? Niall?!" Moriah screamed, realizng that he had went unconcious. 

"Someone call 911!" El screamed again, Perrie being the only one not seeming emmotionally scared, called.


"BOYS, BOYS!" someone from the plane was coming to break the fight up. By the time they came, Liam had a busted lip and his ear was bleeding heavily. He spit blood up from his mouth on the nice, once clean, plane seats. Harry had blood all down the white T-Shirt he was wearing and his cheeck had a huge open cut. Nia had been the one to get the flight attendent after they both hit her off while trying to break their fight up.

"Get them out of here," the flight attendent said to some security gaurds, looking at Nia, saying, "Are you all right miss?" with his sparkling blue eyes.

"Yea, of course, I'm fine," Nia said, trying to smile as best she could. 

"I don't think you are, look, I'm off my shift now, let's go get some coffee or something, and I didn't catch your name?" his dazzling blue eyes caught Nia off garud again.

"Nia, and you?' Nia said, taking the guys outreached hand and shaking it.

"Nick," the boy said, flashing his blue eyes. Something was familar about those eyes, but Nia coulnd't remember what. She took him up on his offer anyway and she was glad she did.....sort of.


Guys came and loaded all three boys onto a stretcher cart. The girls huddled and hugged each other, each expressing their pain in their own way. Moriah and El cried, and Perrie's eyes were brimming full with tears, but she didn't let one single tear escape her eyes.

"What...what do you think happened?" Moriah said, looking at El, who'd been the girlfriend the longest and knew the band the best.

"Well...last time, last time it was about..."


"Louis William Tomlinson, if you get in one more fight this week, I'm done with you, this, us,"  El said, certainly not meaning it. 

"Babe come on, it wasn't that big a deal," Louis said, looking at his swollen leg from the last fight.

"I mean it, I can't do this anymore," El started crying.

"What if I told you what it was about? Then would you stay with me?" Louis said, not realizng El would stay anyway, she loved him.

"Fine, not like it's a good reason anyway," El said, looking away from Louis as he explained why the fight happened.

"Well, the guys and I were at the bar, and as usual, Liam was sitting at at table with Gemma, and Harry sat at the bar with Jane. Zayn, Niall and I were sitting by ourselves separatley. We were only really there to stop the fight we knew was bound to break out anyway with them sitting there. Liam leaned into Gemma, making her shake her head and smile. When Harry saw what he was doing, he leaned in and whispered something to Jane, and Jane smiled and touched Harry's thigh. All Liam did was take Gemma on the floor to dance, as of course, neither of them were drunk. Harry, on the other hand, stumbled with Jane and they raced out the door to get high. That same night, Niall met Moriah and Zayn met Perrie. Anyway, when Liam noticed that Harry was out smoking with Jane, he took Gemma and kissed her, grabbing her thigh, making her giggle right in front of Harry. When Harry saw this, he pulled out acid and let Jane take it. Then, they pushed the girls aside, and started going at it themselves, causing a scene. Then, I got involved, trying to break it up but every time I try and break crap up, I'm the one that ends up getting hurt the most," Louis said, tears brimming in his eyes.

"Babe I thought...."

"You thought I was in the fight, I know, and I should've told you it had nothing to do with me, I'm sorry, I love you.

*end of flashback*

"When are they going to learn?" Perrie groaned,and then shutting up, realizing that El and Moriah were looking at her, knowing she knew why Zayn and Niall had fought too. 

Harry Get Your Head in the GameNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ