Love on the Plane

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When Nia, Liam and Harry got on first class, Harry gave Liam an evil glare for even sitting in the row across from him and Nia. He grabbed Nia's waist, almost causing her to fall in the little space. Nia tried to look up and smile at Liam to let him know everything was all right. Harry saw her sweet smile and got worried, but said nothing of it. It was first class, and he didn't want to start a scene. Soon enough, Harry was sleep, and Nia looked over at Liam. Liam was reading a magazine and listening to music. She tapped his shoulder and told him to look at his texts.

Thankyou so much for being here Liam<3 This truly means a lot. So this is what happened....


"NANDO'S HERE WE COME!!!!!!" Niall said after giving his mom the keys to his car so that they'd now be able to get around without needing him or Moriah.

"Baby, you ready?" Niall said, knocking on the bathroom door to her appartment.

"Yea, almost!" Moriah said, putting her last bit of makeup on. She looked at her phone waiting for a text from Nia. Then, as she put it in her purse, it silently buzzed. The message shocked Moriah. She read it to Niall while he drove, and Niall seemed just as shocked, as he was.....well for most of the message.


Well to me that's just as horrible what they did. -Liam

Well....yea, but it's better, at least they didn't have sex.-Nia


Wouldn't you forgive Dani if you'd let her explain?-Nia


Well they were drunk though:( Liam please try to understand for me, I'm so sorry.-Nia

Nahh...I just thought you were different-Liam

Different How?-Nia

Look Nia, you're a beatiful girl and to mess around with a guy like Harry Styles isn't good for you. He's too fast.-Liam

I know, but...I love him-Nia

Really? Because in the past few hours I've fallen head over heals for you, and I think I might love you Nia, and not for your best guy friend, for being something more. Nia I want you so bad. When Harry breaks your heart again, I promise you can always come to me, I love you so much Nia. I know it sounds crazy, but I really have fallen head over heals. You're gorgeous inside and out love.- Liam

"Babe, you've been texting like non-stop, those bloody vibrations woke me up," Harry said, startling Nia and then kissed her on her cheeck, and resting his hand on her thigh "Moriah, El and Perrie must miss you, huh?" Harry said, smiling sweetly at his girl, not knowing what was really going on.

"Yea, they really do," Nia said, locking her phone and looking at Liam. When she did, he was looking out the window as if they hadn't been texting minutes earlier. She coulnd't believe it. Liam Payne in love with her? She thought she didn't even deserve Harry. This was too much for one day, way too much. She hoped Harry stayed awake, she wouldn't know how to respond to Liam.

"That's sweet, now move over so I can use the bathroom...unless you want me to pee on you beautiful," Harry said, winking at Nia.

"Ew! No, okay, I'm moving!!" Nia squealed.

As soon as Harry was out of earshot, Liam reached over to touch Nia's hand, simply saying, "Nia, look, that text...I don't know...I might be like having jet lag, please don't let it ruin what we hav-"

"But..." Nia said, looking to make sure that Harry was still in the bathroom, as if he wasn't.

"But what beautiful?" Liam's last word caught Nia by surprise, but she had to let it off her chest.

"I think I love you too..." Nia said, letting out a breath she barley realized she was holding in.

"Really?" Liam said, his gorgeous eyes lighting up.

"Yea, you're so amazing to talk to, and you're're just...I don't know. You seem more like me. We both have crazy ex's-"

"Wait, Harry's still your ex?" Liam said confused

"At the moment," Nia said, trying to smile.

"But...." Liam said even more confused by her smile.

"Well, he's acting like it. I told him he'd have to prove to me he still loved me for me. Not for the fact that he likes my kisses or my hugs. I just want him to prove we have something more than being with each other for the..."

"The sexual pleasures?" Liam said, getting a laugh out of Nia. She was looking for another way to say it, but she couldn't find another.

Then, Liam spoke again, "Give me a week too, give me a week to prove that I can be better for you then Harry is, give me a week, please, I want to prove that I love you Nia,"

"Okay," Nia giggled, looking right at Liam.

Then, they heard the bathroom door click, indicating Harry would be coming back. They both turned as if nothing had happened at all.

"Babe, you hungry?" Harry said, glaring at Liam who looked over looked way to innocent, but he decided to ignore it.

"Yea a little I guess," Nia said, smiling over at Harry. 

"Well, it's first class, LET'S EAT!" He said, leaning in to kiss her on her cheeck. He wanted her lips so much more, he wanted her to make up to him by kissing him. Hard, soft, whatever, he just wanted to know she still wanted him that way. He didn't want to be one of those lame couples in a relationship where they didn't even get the pleasure of hugging or kissing each other. But he was willing to go a week without it so he could get her back.


"Look, El's here too!" Moriah said, waving at her. When El saw her, she ran from her booth at Nando's and hugged her.

"Well someone's looking gorgeous!" El said, looking at what Moriah was wearing.

"Oh stop, you look gorgoeus too!" Moriah said. 

Getting annoyed of having Moriah to himself tonight, Niall chimed in, "Oh my goodness, you're both too beautiful! Oh my!"

"Oh shutup Niall," Moriah laughed, grabbing his waist and pulling him closer to her, then looking back at El continuing, "After we eat wana go out shopping? My mom said the malls are the best here!"

"Yea! Of course doll, and Perrie's in here somewhere too, so I'll ask her if she wants to come, if her and Zayn aren't getting drunk at the bar again," 

"I doubt it! Perrie's head probably still hurts from yesterday!" Moriah said jokingly. 

"Can we go sit babe," Niall said, getting hungrier by the minute.

"Okay Niall, okay El, we'll meet up after to talk, love ya girl! Hey, maybe the guys can do something after this too!" Moriah said cheefully. Niall cringed. The boys hadn't really talked since the fight. He wasn't sure he wanted to, but he remembered that they'd done nothing wrong. Anyway the major problems with them were on a plane to Houston Texas. For tonight, Liam and Harry were someone elses problem.


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