The Makeup

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" gonna be okay?" Moriah asked Nia, looking at Nia frantically packing her things to go home.

"Yea, I'll just catch a bus or something to get to the airport-"

"Uhm no, ew, you're not getting on public transportation when Niall and I have a perfectly good car to take you to the airport. And I'll pay for you to get on first class because it'll be a long ride."

"Babe, you don't need to pay for her," Niall said, getting a glare from Moriah before he finished with saying, "because I will," and he kissed Moriah on the cheeck.

"Well fine, Niall and I will take you to the airplane station thingy and he'll pay for you," Moriah said, still worried about her friend. 

"Okay," Nia said giving in and looking up with a fake smile to reassure her firend.

Moriah sat down on Nia's hotel bed and Niall sat down right next to her. While they waited for Nia to finish packing, they sat on the bed in silence. They didn't know what to say or do.

"NIA! NIA, COME ON LET ME EXPLAIN! PLEASE LEMME EXPLAIN!" Harry banged on Nia's hotel door. When he did, Nia kind of jumped, and then Moriah got up off Nia's bed to talk to Harry, but instead, Niall put his hand on her thigh and went to the door instead to handle it.


"IS SHE IN THERE?!" Harry screamed at Niall when he came out and locked the door behind him. His face was tear stained and Niall could see the sadness in his eyes.

"Lad, calm down. She's in there with-"

"Not with Liam, is she?"

"No lad, with Moriah."

"What's she doing," Harry asked, calming down.


"Packing," Harry said, the tears coming back to replace the old tear stains already on his face.

"Yea, my lass and I are gonna take her home."


"Look lad,...." Niall looked around and stepped a bit closer to Harry to make sure that no one in the hotel could hear and said a little lower, "Look lad, I bailed you out last time, I can't do it again. This time, I've got a lass that's way more importnat to me. She's my everything. If she wants to take her friend home, then I'll do it. I'd swim to the end of the ocean for that special lass in there. I'm not bailing you out like I did.."

"Like with the drugs? Yea, well Liam still found out about it. Jane was still..."

"Yea, look lad, I didn't spill anything, I swear it. But I'm not your secret keeper anymore, alright lad?"

"Then how did Liam find out," Harry said through clenched teeth.

"Not from me. Look lad, you got her addicted to them."

"It was freakin' pain killers. She always talked about how her head hurt and I got her some."

"Well that's not all you bought to cure her headaches if I remmeber correctly. But I don't have time for this lad, my girlfriends in there-"

"And mines not?!" Harry was yelling now, and panting really heavy. He pushed his curls that were falling into his face and pushed them up.

"Niall?" Moriah said from behind the hotel door.

"Yea babe?"

"She's ready."

"Alright babe, I'll be there in a minute," Niall said, turning back to Harry and continuing, "just get out of here lad, it's the best thing for ya," before he turned around and opened the hotel door. By the time he turned around again, Harry was nowhere to be seen.

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