Tell me What you Know

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"So, we have got to plan this wedding babe, like you know I want it to be like..I don't know, all natural and flowery and stuff," Perrie said, kissing Zayn and sitting on his lap to watch tv in their appartment.

"Babe, do whatever you want, I'm still getting paid for those dumb One Direction albums, so pick wherever you want and I'll pay," Zayn said, kissing the back of Perrie's neck.

"My parents are paying," Perrie said abruptly, making Zayn a little less tense than when he had offered. He knewt that the money from those albums wasn't going to last forever and he needed a job.

"And Zayn?" Perrie said, turning around to face Zayn who was still sitting on the couch, eyes glued to teh tv.

"Yea?" he said, eyes still glued to the tv.

"We have to talk about what you know about..."

"About why the band broke up?" Zayn said, knowing that without that tiny detail in his life, Perrie might not marry him. However, he was willing to share that tiny detail of his life to get on with his life with Perrie. He just hoped she'd stay and not leave him.


"DANI, STOP, STOP, WAIT!" the guy screamed, hating that he had to stop this. He'd already been on the phone all morning for...buisness. He'd been waiting a long time for one of them to come running back to him as he knew they would.

"Why? What's wrong? Don't you like me anymore," Dani said, making the boy blush really bad.

"Of course I like you, but.."

"But??" Dani said, biting her bottom lip.

"You're preg..."

"Who cares? Let's have fun," Dani slurred, obviously drunk which wasn't really good for the baby or herself for that matter. James didn't care anymore if she didn't. He wanted one of them back, and he got her.


"Hey, yea, yea, sure, we'll be there right away," Nia said. She looked over at Liam who was still sleep on the floor. What a gentleman. He gave her the whole bed while he slept on the floor. Well except for the 3 or 4 times Nia had a nightmare. The first 3 about which guy to choose by the end of the week, the last one about all of her ex boyfriends.

"Liam, Liam we gotta go," Nia said, shaking Liam gently. 

"Go where beautiful?" Liam said, blinking his eyes.

"They said Harry just woke up from being unconcious," Nia said, which made Liam wake up fully. He knew what he had to do to prove to Nia he loved her. He'd have to take her to see Harry and he'd be the bigger guy and appologize. They were dressed in no time, headed to the hospital. 

"We're here to see Harry Styles," Nia said, smiling at the nurse.

"Oh right this way," the nurse said, giving Nia and Liam a little badge and leading them right into his room.

When they got to the room, Harry was wide awake, glued to the tv. That's until his eyes met where Liam and Nia were subconciously holding hands. He cringed, but said nothing of it. And he really didn't have to because Liam pulled away.

"Look it's not what it looks like," Liam said, looking at Harry, feeling bad for him but also feelng good for himself.

"Yea, Harry, babe are you okay?" Nia said, sitting on the edge of his bed, surprising herself, Liam and Harry.

"Well, actually much better ever since I heard you say that," Harry said, smiling and biting his bottom lip.

"I didn't mean too," Nia half whispered, not sure what she meant to say. She was just upset he'd been in such a terrible accident.

"We all make mistakes, babe," Harry said, smiling grabbing Nia by her butt to pull her closer to him.

"Look Harry," Nia said, pulling out of his grasp, continuing, "I've just been worried about you okay?" Nia said, wishing she could take back the words she said. Harry's face dropped and he pouted. 

"All right, dang," Harry said, confused and a little hurt at that. Then, Nia looked back at Liam, motioning for him to appologize.

"Guys, I'll be outside getting or something," Nia said. The air got so thick with hatered when she left. You could feel the tension between Harry and Liam.

"Look lad, I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you, I really don't mean too,-" Liam said, looking at Harry who had his head down.

"Yea, sorry definatley helps," Harry said sarcastically, runnning his hand through his curls.

"Well I'm not all to blame for everything, but at least I'm owning up and saying sorry," Liam said, getting mad already and they had bareley spoken two words to each other.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Harry said, more sarcasitcally, continuing with, "I mean, I'm sorry too, it's all sunshine and rainbows over here," Harry finished with the fakest smile ever.

"I know I shouldn't have even come here," Liam said, looking back at the ground.

"Look, I'm not really ready to appologize for what I did, I...I don't really know how to appologize for what I've done to you and your family," Harry said, running his hands though his curls again.

"Not like you killed one, I mean she came pretty freakin' close until she started going to reh-"

"Liam, I have something to-"

"What?" Liam said, his facial expressions tightening.

"When was the last time you talked to her family?"

"I don't know, a few months ago," Liam said, getting more scared.

"Well, I've got something to say....well, it's hard to's not something you just blurt-"

"Just tell me. Mines well tell me know when I can't hurt you because there's nurses and doctors around," Liam said, clenching his fists, but then unclenching them, realizing that there was a click at the door."

"Harry Styles? You're free to go home later today after we run a few more tests," a smiling doctor came in telling Harry. Then, she left.

"Harry?" Liam said, reminding Harry had something important to tell him.

"Look, she wasn't going to rehab," Harry said, not really knowing how to tell Liam that she overdosed. 

"Well then, where was she going?" Liam said, pacing around to ease the tension.

"She was..." Harry had to lie. The guys selling him the drugs would kill him if he told someone that Jane had overdosed and that's why she died, so he stayed with the lie that he told the guy selling him the drugs. "She was going with me on the trolly every day. We'd She loved Nia. God, was she happy for us. She knew Nia a bit. Anyway, she well, she ran in front of the trolly,"

"Oh God, just tell the truth. She was obviously getting high with you and she, she ran into the truck, oh God," Liam said. At first, Harry was scared that he'd guess that she overdosed.

"And she's been gone a few months? Wow, I'm not as close to my aunt and uncle as I thought. And I would've never expected you to tell me. Wow, I need some...I just need some time to think," Liam said, totally confused. 

"Look man," Harry stared, but all Liam did was look at him with the tears in his eyes, "Look, I didn't want to tell you,"

"I just...just Harry," Liam said, ready to cry. He didn't know what to say. He turned and started to go out the room, when Harry surprised him.

"Look Liam, she died because of an over-"

"Because of a what?" Liam said, turning, becoming more interested. Then, Moriah came running back, spilling coffee on both her and Liam. When her eyes met with Liam's there were tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Liam said, trying to wipe the pain from his face to help deal with hers.

"James," she said, the tears brimming to her eyes. Liam didn't know why, but Harry sure did, and that wasn't good that he was here. How'd he even find Harry? Well, only time would tell.

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