Back again 3

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Camillas pov: I got to class and set my books down. And I started thinking about what we were eating for lunch and of course Cameron how could I not. He was so cute. Does he like me? No of course not he's the one that broke my heart. I felt sick after was had just happend so I asked to use the bathroom. As I went to the bathroom I saw so many cute guys but I only thought of one. The bathroom smelt like really strong perfume and cheap makeup. But that's what it normally smells like. I saw someone come out the bathroom who looked familiar. Then I knew who it was. It was vanessa hill, Cameron's first girlfriend. She blames me for stealing Cameron away from her. But the reason he did break up with her is because she told him she was gonna jump off a bridge if she didn't marry hims One thing I know is she is gorgeous. And I know why she was Cameron's first. She had this perfect brown hair that fell to her shoulders, the most perfect plump lips, big curves and big boobs. Very big boobs. There ar rumors she got implants but no one really knows. She walked up to the sink next to me. She was wearing a Michael khors bag with a Low v-neck and skin tight jeans. Her make up and eyebrows were also on point not to mention. Then if you look over at me I was looking like a hobo compared to her. I bet Cameron doesn't even care about me and only her. She looked at me up and down and rolled her eyes. I said "what?" And she replied with. It's just the fact that you look like you woke up on the wrong side of the dumpster honey. I looked down at my torn up converse and walked out. Idk why she always does this to me. When me and Cameron were together he would always stand up for me around her. But sadly he wasn't there and I don't think he ever will be. I got back to class and sat next to Becca I had a tear in the corner of my eye and Becca grabbed me a tissue but instead of passing it to me she stuck it up my nose. She is so weird but I love her. The day went by slow but it ended finally and I walked back home silently with Becca. Well when I say silently I mean all you could here was Becca humming work by Rihanna. Lol she doesn't know the words.
Cameron's pov: i sat down in my desk when I saw vanessa get up she passed me a note before she walked out of the classroom. I threw it away I knew it was either. I like you or will you date my with xoxo vanessa at the bottom. As you can tell this happens too much. It sucks I don't have any classes with Camilla I want to become close with her again just being in her presence will put a smile on your face. It's been hard sleeping with out her by your side and hearing her whisper "cam I love you". I actually arrived on time to school so I got on my phone. I got on my messages and I was trying to figure out what to Text Camilla I wanted to see her again and hang out. Not like a date but maybe like friends. I tried many sentences, pickup lines and many more cheesy phrases but none really stuck. So all I put was " I was wondering if maybe you'll let me pick you up and take you somewhere I miss talking to you, just let me know". I regretted it afterwards but it was worth it. (Lol worth it) I see the ... Come up in the messages but then it went down. I knew she didn't like me. But then she sent back. "So you're gonna pick me up kidnapper style and take me somewhere? Sounds good. So I put "around 5ish okay?" She said yea, and then I sent okay see you then. I did a little victory dance I have never been so happy. I get to see the girl I wanna be with tonight and I get maybe ask her to be mine. I can't wait. The end of the day came fast so I skated home very excited and planned for me and Camilla' little date.

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