Part 12

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Camilla's pov: i had waken up in a hospital bed with bandages around my body. I started hyperventilating. I was terrified I thought it was just a dream. My mom was in tears next to my brother. My brother looked like he was the one hit by the truck. He had this blank stare on his face. I said "mom"? She said, "oh thank god honey your okay". The first thing that came out my mouth was "where's Cameron?" My mom told me that I should worry more about my self more. I got so mad. He was in that car with me I know it and I need to know if he's okay. I tried sitting up but the pain was so sharp I was forced to lay down. Becca ran in the room she was sobbing. "CAMILLA YOU COULD OF DIED." Becca be quiet" my mom whispered.
"Woman", don't tell me what to do". My mom looked at her like she just murdered me. I told Becca to calm down. But that wasn't gonna stop her. She walked up next to the nurse and said where is Cameron's room. Becca please don't hurt him it wasn't his fault. My mom interrupted my sentence and said, "Camilla if it weren't for him driving you we wouldn't be here. " I was confused why would she even think that way. " he would never Mrs smartie pants.", said Becca. My mom then said something that made me tick she said that she doesn't want me to Ever ever ever talk to Cameron ever again. She made me feel worse then when I got hit.
Cameron's pov: i woke up and immediately sat up I got up and looked for every one. My mom wasn't there and neither was my brother. I was disappointed. I asked the doctor if they contacted them and they said that they did but they said they were "busy" how could they be busy. I could've died and they aren't even here to give a single care. I saw a person wearing a banana hat and a hot pink dress on. Of course I knew who it was. "Psssssst" "Becca". She turned around. I said "have you seen Camilla?" "Camilla?" "Becca don't play dumb." Sorry". "It's okay just tell me where she is" "she's in a room just like this one actually" as she looked around. I said annddd, is she okay. She ignored me as she played with all the medical equipment. She mumble "what is this as she pick up a thermometer. I repeated my self. "Is she okay?" Yet again no reply. "BECCA"! She turned her head. "Oh yes Cameron" is Camilla okay? Yea she's fine almost died but she's okay. She said that Camilla look really appealing as she pointed to her banana hat and snickered. I felt so much better thankfully she survived.

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